Example sentences of "[noun sg] by way of " in BNC.

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1 The Tribunal and the Commissioner Apart from the administrative safeguards referred to above , the Act introduces a remedy by way of a right of complaint to a quasi-judicial Tribunal .
2 This is because when there is an actionable nuisance the law provides a legal remedy by way of injunction or damages and this it is not prepared to do in respect of every odour found to be annoying or objectionable ; neither would it be practicable especially since odours are notoriously subjective in nature affecting some individuals and not others and causing a variety of symptoms .
3 But to be entitled to seek a remedy by way of judicial review an applicant must have sufficient standing ( or locus standi ) .
4 ‘ Accordin' to our hero , there 's another road back to the coast by way of Cajabamba and Huamachuco .
5 Similarly , Gnosticism was opposed to orthodox Christianity by its hostility to history , for instead of being based on the idea that God prepares for the future by way of the past it regarded the world as one from which God was absent .
6 Her nursing activity would be right on our first less rigoristic formulation of the Benthamite view , for it does good by way of lessening pain and promoting pleasure and either does no harm at all , or none that is significant .
7 We did not want to be the cause of friction ; but as we were unable to ascertain what the Club had in mind by way of arrangements , we proposed tea or dinner , or , if he were not being entertained in the evening , both .
8 If you find a likely line , see if there is confirmation by way of stretches of road following the line , road junctions , crossroads or fords falling on it , or some of the place name elements Watkins referred to .
9 Fully dressed , midnight butterfly in this light of day , we hold each other , grind , baby , grind so I could take a chunk out of your neck by way of breakfast .
10 The remains at Knossos show clearly how rain-water was led down from the roof by way of light-wells to flush out sewage from three lavatories in the East Wing ( Figure 20 ) .
11 Also excluded from registration are ( i ) a charge on goods where the chargee is entitled to possession of the goods or of a document of title to them , ( ii ) a deposit of a negotiable instrument by way of security to secure payment of a book debt and ( iii ) a lien on subfreights .
12 A threat to a person 's property in his presence might very well provoke the use of force by way of self-protection , which would seem to qualify .
13 Lucy wanted a pamphlet by way of introduction ; Jay said , let's just get all the information together .
14 If you provoke anger in others in this way , part of the explanation is that it is possible to use provocation as a means of releasing your own tension by way of another person .
15 Although no tenant will be directly responsible for the repair and maintenance of the road the landlord may recover his outlay by way of a suitably drawn service charge .
16 Once an offender was found guilty , however , the sentence should follow automatically ; in the strict classicism of Beccaria there was no room for clemency by way of pardons , reduction of sentences because of mitigating circumstances , or early release from the punishment laid down .
17 With your leave , I will make an offering by way of acknowledgement . ’
18 Pursuant to leave granted by Webster J. on 25 October 1990 , the applicant , Mrs. Doris Thomas , applied for judicial review by way of an order of mandamus to compel Her Majesty 's Coroner for Poplar , Mr. Douglas Robert Chambers , to hold an inquest into the death of her daughter , Mavis Thomas .
19 The Divisional Court , on 27 March 1991 , on the applicant 's motion for judicial review by way of orders of certiorari and mandamus , had granted him a declaration that on the true construction of the statutes of the university the university had and had had no power to dismiss him by reason of redundancy and that his purported dismissal was without effect .
20 Then , since this House in Thomas 's case had accepted that judicial review by way of certiorari did lie to the visitor at least to restrain an abusive process , they held that there was jurisdiction to correct errors of law since ‘ illegality ’ is one of the accepted heads of judicial review .
21 First , does judicial review by way of certiorari ever lie to review error of law where there is no issue as to excess of jurisdiction or breach of natural justice ?
22 This will provide the framework for the necessary software re-organisation , which , when it takes place , can be put immediately into effect by way of new LIFESPAN packages .
23 In each case , therefore , the agreement between the parties or the court order should be properly carried into effect by way of a conveyance , severance , transfer or declaration of trust , the form of which is the subject of this chapter .
24 It was contrary to article 58 because it prevented or restricted companies from other member states from participating in the United Kingdom sea fishing industry by way of agencies , branches or subsidiaries .
25 Since 1979 the Government have given £17 billion to the British coal industry by way of grant and write-offs .
26 In the latter year Ealdred consecrated the abbey church of St Peter in Gloucester , which he had rebuilt , and then travelled with great ceremony by way of Hungary to Jerusalem , where he gave a gold chalice worth five marks to the church of the Holy Sepulchre .
27 In the case of a recommended offer which will provide a cash alternative by way of underwriting the target company should , assuming no announcement has been made , request the London Stock Exchange to grant a suspension before the proposed offer is disclosed to any sub-underwriters .
28 These include a government cash injection by way of loan stock , linked to an equity participation which would enable the Government to recoup some of its money if the line is a success .
29 In relation to those incidents of a less serious nature to take corrective action by way of advice , caution or such other means as may be appropriate .
30 An alternative would therefore be to use a UK-resident Newco for the share/debenture exchange and , to circumvent the capital gains tax disadvantage of this , it could soon after the acquisition transfer its stake in Target to the partnership by way of a capital distribution , leaving it with the loan-note obligations to the vendor shareholders and the cash to meet such obligations .
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