Example sentences of "[noun sg] he will [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In tendering he will supply :
2 However please do n't anyone tell Graham Kelly about all this — he 'll probably try and stop us sending messages to list members in Europe , or make an announcement that the authorities are doing all in their power to break up some hooligan ring he 'll call the Sony Hedgehog Club .
3 Between now and the early spring he will continue to consult people and build up his plans for the crucial meeting with ministers .
4 And he sees his feedback he 'll kick himself
5 Gooch 's hand in selection this winter was considerable — but Fletcher made it clear that in future he will exercise more influence over the make-up of a tour party .
6 In the future he will have to decide what crops and livestock to produce .
7 him in the car he 'll sit there .
8 What he means by structuralism is clearly rooted in structural linguistics and he carefully quotes Troubetzkoy to indicate the programme he will apply to anthropology :
9 having seen Frank playing in our Norwegian ‘ premiership ’ — i can only say : this guy has talent and give him a couple of more years on his neck he will become a real threat to any defence .
10 As a hunter he will die in the forest to become a warrior ; as a warrior he will die in battle , and be resurrected to become a sage .
11 His aim is to be the first President of Corea and since he is 72 and has few more years left in which to realise his ambition he will use any means to hand including , if time presses , the blood of his deluded followers .
12 With time and practice he will fold his forearm correctly , with less chance of hitting his jumps .
13 ‘ I must say the old trousers he wears let him down a little — but at the wedding he 'll wear his best suit .
14 He he has said if I do go for maintenance he 'll deny that Ricky 's his .
15 Once the male comes into spawning condition he will select a suitable territory and start to build a bubble nest .
16 You ask a man who has a bit more experience and plenty of common sense ad he 'll say to you , ‘ Get the lad in , bring him home to his parents and the father will give him a clip round the ear . ’
17 they 've had all and oh lunch he 'll manage dinner ca n't swap them about Are you alright then ?
18 For the world , he will play the Hermit of Croisset ; for his friends in Paris , he will play the Idiot of the Salons ; for George Sand he will play the Reverend Father Cruchard , a fashionable Jesuit who enjoys hearing the confessions of society women ; for his intimate circle he will play Saint Polycarpe , that obscure Bishop of Smyrna , martyred in the nick of time at the age of ninety-five , who pre-echoed Flaubert by stopping up his ears and crying out , ‘ Oh Lord !
19 No doubt he sees this as a stage in his learning to win again , but all the time , he is learning instead to derive small satisfactions from losing — a skill he will have discarded some time before he won the Weembledon ( he really did pronounce it like that ) Junior Championship , all of 20 years ago .
20 Resource-based learning can last as little as ten minutes : a child 's scrutiny of a repeating film-loop which teaches him a concept or skill he will need for the next part of his programme ; a short programmed exercise that enables him to test his grasp of an idea or piece of knowledge before embarking on a larger exercise ; a work-card unit giving practise in loading a projector or using a subject catalogue .
21 But that that bloke , that bloke he 'll thump anybody wo n't he Geoff ?
22 Where the plaintiff has consented to the defendant 's act he will have no action .
23 ‘ He 's obviously had his problems at Everton , but with help he 'll pull through .
24 I hope that in Committee he will listen to the pleas of Members representing Greater London and the south of England because they are dear to my heart and may to some extent be dear to his .
25 If all goes according to plan he will hold the public sector borrowing requirement to £35 billion in the current year , rising to £50 billion in 1993-94 , but the proportion of gross domestic product should stabilise at no more than 8 per cent , and fall slowly back to around 4 per cent by 1997 — still an alarmingly large figure in the eyes of some City analysts .
26 I hope that on reflection he will agree that that is good .
27 In tennis he will ask his students to call out their estimate of the height of the ball above the net as it crosses from side to side , or he will ask them to shout ‘ Bounce ’ each time the ball bounces and ‘ Hit ’ each time it is hit , giving Self 2 a chance to show what a fluent player he really is .
28 Leicester have got so many men back in their own half he 'll do well to make anything of this Collimore .
29 If he decides to follow the highway he will go away , and everything w ill be all right again .
30 He is frightened that when he gets into the corridor he will start crying like the twelve-year-old boy .
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