Example sentences of "[noun sg] with a man " in BNC.

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1 He says he did a deal with a man in a pub , a man whose name he ca n't remember and he 'd never met before . ’
2 They can not make free decisions about motherhood or their sexual partnership with a man .
3 Because , if the supposedly traditional habit of respect for the law was not much in evidence here , then frequent headlines such as ‘ Boot 'em ’ at Waterloo ’ , ‘ They Play Football with a Man ’ and ‘ Kick a Man like a Football ’ serve to remind us that the English ‘ fair play ’ tradition of fighting with the fists — and not with the feet — had also gone into eclipse .
4 He ran a youth club with a man called Jefferson , who had been a regular soldier .
5 She felt downright uncomfortable ; there could be something poignantly intimate about sharing the half-darkness of a car with a man — particularly when a tape played some soft Neapolitan music — and more especially with a man of Luke 's charisma .
6 A woman with a blond plait was seen getting out of a car with a man near the canal upstream of Sharpness .
7 She stood in the doorway with a man 's night-shirt on and her hair in a plait .
8 He had seen a boat with a man in it , not far from the beach .
9 Friendship with a man was nice , she decided , never having experienced it before this .
10 You 've ended up dossing-down with a man who 's as limp as a plucked dandelion and who 'll probably snore like a hedgehog . ’
11 It could be measured by the width of a coach with a man walking at each side , but even so it was wider than the streets and alleys leading off from both sides of it .
12 The law says nothing as to a woman who has sexual intercourse with a man who is in a similar situation .
13 It has been suggested so far that many academic lawyers and policemen share the view that where a woman has sexual intercourse with a man , she should be regarded in law as having consented to it save in exceptional circumstances as where violence or the threat of it is used .
14 In a fabliau called La Saineresse , " The female blood-letter " , for instance , the deceptive actions performed by the deceiving character are actions entirely of speech , as a wife who has had sexual intercourse with a man her dull-witted husband believes to be a female blood-letter describes her act of illicit fornication to her duped and satisfied husband entirely in metaphors : ( Sir , thank you by the love of God , I have indeed been in hard labour .
15 Do you seriously expect that I could contemplate an assignation with a man whose wife is lying in a hospital bed ? ’
16 Indeed he did broadcast on the BBC before the war with a man called Harry Hopeful who ran a very popular show , rather on the same lines as Wilfrid Pickles and his Have a Go programme .
17 In the last few years the courts have contrived in effect to extend the substance of a right of occupation to a mistress who has lived on an originally permanent basis with a man , but who has now lost her partner either through death or as a result of some form of desertion .
18 ‘ And if I wo n't stay ? ’ she managed to croak , the prospect of being imprisoned in this fortress of suspicion with a man like Marc Alexander Vila filling her with horror .
19 A NATIONWIDE hunt was launched yesterday for a killer who escaped from jail with a man serving 11 years for robbery .
20 And I always like doing business with a man who knows he 's over a barrel .
21 A moment of foolishness with a man in one 's youth , Louise dear , is more common even among the better classes than you might think .
22 Later we are shown a Black family crowded into one room with a man playing a calypso on a double bass ( ! ) , and a Black man and woman in bed together , who invite Kathie to join them .
23 ‘ Do n't tell me you have n't shared a room with a man before ? ’ he murmured .
24 How ridiculous to feel such a sense of possession , of oneness with a man she 'd only just met .
25 He had a fight with a man called Connell , and demolished him in ten minutes .
26 I got into a fight with a man whose IQ was so low , it took him ten minutes to say ‘ press wanker ’ .
27 Did John Dyson really have a fight with a man called Cox , or did you make all that up ?
28 After all , an hour with a man like that is a hazard of your profession , is n't it ? ’
29 Then there has been his public struggle with a man named Willis Edwards , President of the Hollywood chapter of American 's venerable NAACP ( National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People ) .
30 I went to New York in the 60s and I had a funny experience with a man who was an unknown at the time , a new young comic called Woody Allen .
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