Example sentences of "[noun sg] with a [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Durie then teamed up with Hobbs to complete the whitewash with a straight-sets doubles win to earn Britain a second-round confrontation against Austria , the eighth seeds .
2 Twenty years old as she was , Ella had beaten her big sisters to the altar : Alice Maud , the eldest , waited a further two years before marrying Frank Foote , a clerk in Godsell 's Brewery in Stroud , Gloucestershire , in which town she herself had served an apprenticeship with a ladies ' hairdresser in High Street .
3 A MOTHER-of-three was killed instantly when her car was in a pile-up with a police Volvo answering a 999 call .
4 Mr Chittenden was rushed to the Countess of Chester Hospital by ambulance with a police escort .
5 What this operation can do is to cause havoc with a women 's sexuality , often provoking the very opposite to what was intended .
6 The bottom line is , however , that an amp with an effects loop which could n't be used properly before , not only handles one processor but can feed four with no trouble at all and with no signal corruption .
7 Alfriston is a very pretty village with a children 's zoo .
8 After considerable reflection , a discussion of the match with a wide circle of friends , a session with a sports psychiatrist , and two calls to the Samaritans , I decide that I lost because Martin played much better than I did .
9 During his long stay in the south he made only one portrait with an out-of-doors setting ; the pretty shopkeeper , sitting on a chair in front of her shop , looking out with uncomprehending suspicion against a white wall .
10 In order to create this form of interface environment this project is engaged in the definition of a language of spatial interaction to handle a dialogue with a GIS through a system shell .
11 For example , a fellow of the Institute with a masters degree who had demonstrated his or her skills in financial management could become an MA FCA FFFM .
12 Robert Heslop , 70 , of Tanfield Lea , Stanley , Co Durham , died from head injuries after being in an accident with a police car on Saturday night while crossing a road .
13 We carve moulds in wood and it takes a craftsman with a spokes have a day to do each one .
14 Edward said , turning his august profile with a politeness that Emily did n't believe necessarily to be lasting .
15 However , we think an exception should be made with regard to the Face-to-Face article with a Pensions Secretary , namely Mr Ian W Ferrier , who we are delighted to say is still a pensioner .
16 A design often found on enssi rugs , which were traditionally used as door-hangings in the nomad 's yurt ( tent ) ; it is quite common for any rug woven in this design to be referred to as an enssi , or a Bokhara with an enssi design .
17 Manager Elliott Roberts has arrived with news that he 's found a new room with a jacuzzi bath .
18 Pop this in a 2U flight case with an effects unit , and you 're ready to take off in some considerable style …
19 Thus , due to the sheer complexity of spatial data and the operations available , this can only be a partial solution to the general problem of user interaction with a GIS ( Gould 1989 ) .
20 A single stroke on a cymbal with a timpani stick produces a ‘ splash ’ of sound , and a crescendo roll adds great excitement if added to a general orchestra crescendo three or four bars before its climax .
21 However , a person with a Pounds 100 stake has a 110 to one chance of winning any prize .
22 The second decree had ordered payment to each person with a savings account or state savings bonds of a one-off bonus calculated at 40 per cent of the value of the account or bond holdings .
23 There are also some important questions here , which are very hard to resolve , about the way to link together professional autonomy in dealing with an individual relationship with a clients and a policy-based concern ( or ‘ public concern ’ ) about the way in which professionals allocate their services as a whole .
24 Last year in their search for an artist the Kirk alighted on Amersham-born James D. McGairy , who graduated from Sunderland Polytechnic with an honours degree in communication studies just three years ago .
25 It 's not long before an ex who in reality was a size-12 middle manager who played badminton and cooked a moderately engaging moussaka has become Super Ex — the international top model and cordon bleu squash champion with a masters degree in astrophysics .
26 This time the mechanic in charge , a well known character with a police record , had pushed his luck too far , and several illegal immigrants were found hiding in the covered power boat by our shore controls .
27 I DID my National Service with a Guards regiment on the East German border in 1948 — but there was still some fraternisation with the Russians , usually in the bar at some remote border village .
28 Surely if all we want is prints off existing things all you need do is a request with a DOPACS number ?
29 FRANCIS AMPOFO mixed his punches successfully to regained the British flyweight title in London last night with a points win over Scotland 's James Drummond .
30 It 's downland with a links feel , beautifully laid out on a 400-yard wide strip of land between the railway line and the cliff tops .
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