Example sentences of "[noun sg] you must [be] " in BNC.

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1 To become an Associate you must be at least 23 .
2 Throughout all stages of the coaching session you must be careful that your authority does not create a passive assent to questions and feedback .
3 Silver Reed tell me that to knit a single motif you must be sure the yarn mast is positioned correctly .
4 The question is , first of all , and the question you must be asking yourselves right at the beginning is , ‘ Why face the media , why have anything to do with them , at all ? ’
5 Before you start on the preparation you must be quite sure of the range of studies within which you are to work .
6 Regardless of whoever is handling the case you must be sure :
7 ‘ In that case you must be the daughter of that man who owns Wormwood Motors ? ’
8 If you are to succeed as Chairman you must be well versed in what the committee 's task is supposed to be .
9 If you have applied to the Social Services to help with funding you must be sure that you have their written approval too before work starts .
10 ‘ Of course you must be admitted to His Lordship , ’ burbled the majordomo .
11 " Silly question , of course you must be or they would n't have let you out . "
12 When you ca n't do the time , do n't do the crime turn to criminology you must be prepared to accept the punishment when they get caught
13 If you 're up for a ‘ tart ’ part you must be prepared to present a flavour of the role as you see it .
14 In learning to create these kinds of grooves you must have a direction with the music , and to develop a direction you must be listening to that kind of music .
15 Er there 's with no evidence of an oversupply , my suggestion is that the decision you must be taking is to what degree do you assume er to what degree do you er recommend a reduction in migration rates .
16 Finish some more cereal you must be a hungry boy .
17 People are always on about how if you do n't have a job you must be workshy , that there 's always jobs if you want them .
18 P.S You must be really hard — You 're as thick as my house wall .
19 Your ruler , Mercury , turns retrograde on the 11th which means that from this point you must be prepared to sit certain situations out and not to expect an immediate response from people .
20 And look at all the business you must be losing in London while you 're out here running around after Malta 's nobility ! ’
21 Regarding the bladder and rectum , Hunter was especially precise : ‘ Instead of being only 10 minutes about this Process you must be ½ an Hour to an Hour about it . ’
22 What a very nice person you must be .
23 Be that as it may , I shall be philosophic if you prove unworthy of this not inconsiderable investment — I can always write it off as a little deficit financing — but if you wish to continue with our relationship you must be prepared to place some real trust in me .
24 When sitting on the saddle you must be able to operate the brake levers without taking your hands off the handlebars .
25 In order to update the details of a module you must be the current module manager .
26 I think there 's another point around that about erm , the image that 's portrayed by the media and and to be successful in your career you must be a slim , well made up woman erm , and thinness equates with success and an ability to get on in life .
27 To become registered as a bone marrow donor you must be : —
28 To win people 's respect you must be able to hold the job down .
29 As a responsible dog owner you must be prepared to deworm your dog regularly , not only for the sake of its health and other dogs , but also to protect people from the risk of the disease toxocariasis , as mentioned previously ( see page 36 ) .
30 Darlington Harriers are arranging a 10km fund raising fun run for August 30 , starting at 11am on High Row you must be 17 or over to take part .
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