Example sentences of "[noun sg] you [verb] me " in BNC.

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1 " Now , my young lass , I have come to make your fortune in return for the kindness you did me , " she said .
2 For when I was hungry , you gave me food ; when thirsty , you gave me drink ; when I was a stranger you took me into your home , when naked you clothed me ; when I was ill you came to my help , when in prison you visited me . ’
3 For when I was hungry you gave me nothing to eat , when thirsty nothing to drink ; when I was a stranger you gave me no home , when naked you did not clothe me ; when I was ill and in prison you did not come to my help . ’
4 Carey addressed the wealthy directly , quoting Jesus ' parable about the sorting of the goats ( the wealthy ) from the sheep ( the poor ) in St Matthew 's gospel : ‘ The curse is upon you … for when I was hungry you gave me nothing to eat , when thirsty nothing to drink ; when I was a stranger you gave me no home , when naked you did not clothe me ; when I was ill and in prison you did not come to my help . ’
5 ‘ I have , but he does n't believe there are two of us ; he saw the card you sent me and he thinks I got the idea of a twin from that .
6 You 'll find enclosed the original photograph you brought me some time ago — the one I took the enlargement from .
7 ‘ That punter you sent me yesterday … he was weird , Tone , really weird . ’
8 Before she could speak he said : ‘ Sorry , I 've lost the key you gave me . ’
9 And on the miserable pittance you pay me , I 'm unlikely to amass one . ’
10 And all she could do , ’ Harriet , she says silently , what a betrayer you make me , immediately , ‘ all she could do was ask about the Royals , was Diana as beautiful as in Newsweek . ’
11 That frigid little scene you treated me to over breakfast ? ’
12 ‘ But I 'm not the fool you believe me to be either .
13 I said , every second you keep me here , you hurt me .
14 ‘ No wonder you had me fooled , ’ he murmured .
15 ‘ But there 's something even weirder in that manuscript you gave me .
16 And about that manuscript you gave me . ’
17 From that fate you rescued me , and you shall never , for one moment , one little moment , suppose me ungrateful or making claims .
18 Could we have that chat you promised me ? ’
19 In a delightful letter one of these helpers wrote afterwards , saying ‘ … thank you all so much for the lovely welcome you gave me today …
20 The girl you told me about years ago .
21 What a question you ask me now . ’
22 This is the example that I wanted to quote in erm , in er , answer to er , the question you asked me earlier .
23 Be interesting cos you can hear exactly what they 're saying , mm I say people like Simon and Doreen who do n't erm televise much and you 've got the telephone you told me do n't you ?
24 Remember that big sloppy jumper you knitted me when I was in the sixth form — that maroon one ?
25 ‘ That drugs story you asked me to investigate , Ken , has turned out amazingly . ’
26 The same story you told me the last time we met , ’ she said with a sneer .
27 ‘ So that story you told me
28 Once I 'd discounted the story you gave me about Lori 's reasons for being there , I realised the note could only have come from her , and therefore she must have taken the jade . ’
29 I dared not say a word in case you sent me packing for good . ’
30 ‘ Only to cover my own insecurity in case you rejected me once again . ’
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