Example sentences of "[noun sg] that must have " in BNC.

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1 He 's in his late forties , tall , has a good deal of rather wild , greying hair , and a cardigan that must have been home-made .
2 It was a story that must have touched the whole nation 's hearts .
3 Fran had to hand it to Luke : he had handled the story with a panache that must have squashed any rumours stone-dead .
4 He instructed his panic-stricken , guilt-ridden wife to pack up Kemp 's clothes in a suitcase , and to clean up the bloody mess that must have been left on the carpet , and probably on the sheets .
5 He slammed the phone down with a crash that must have hurt Tony 's ears .
6 It 's a work that must have seemed to sum up the traumas of the war years and their aftermath for you ?
7 I 'll sit there and watch some guy and go , ‘ Man , the work that must have gone into that ! ’ and they 're just whizzing right along making it look easy , but at the same time it does n't make those hairs stand up .
8 So wo , one parent that must have a been gypsy or both .
9 There is less scorn in the novel than there had been in the article , and a pity that must have come as surprise to readers of his work .
10 We were looked at with the same sense of distrust that must have greeted the first plumber who installed running water there .
11 Uzès was and is a town out of another time , a yellow town on a gently conical hill , geometrical roof on roof , a town that must have been as it now is when Shakespeare wrote Antony and Cleopatra .
12 This at least is one joy that must have been known by almost every living creature .
13 Had his colleagues backed fusion in 1920 Law would have accepted it , but he would hardly have stuck to that position in the party crisis that must have followed .
14 It is a conclusion that must have been popular with the Department of the Environment which funded two of the studies .
15 I can imagine the scenario that must have taken place before the Bill was introduced .
16 Of course we did n't have servants , but my first bedroom was a little L-shaped room that must have been a maid 's room .
17 The headmistress let out a yell that must have rattled every window-pane in the building and for the second time in the last five minutes she shot out of her chair like a rocket .
18 Others were in pairs , lying next to tangles of black metal that must have been mortars and missile launchers before Ace had destroyed them .
19 Oh , and sixteen tons of alum that must have been left over from Phocoea . ’
20 The only surprising thing about Hooker 's hit-single spawning album is that , after all these years , he can render the title track in a fashion that 's unbelievably fresh , though some of the credit for this particular achievement must be down to guitarist Jimmie Vaughan , who delivers an array of licks in a manner that must have Stevie Ray beaming way up in plectrum heaven .
21 This is the feeling that must have haunted Tennyson himself , along with the loneliness , the struggle , and the sense of finality , that are all illustrated in Morte d'Arthur .
22 At Scourie , the A.894 reaches the sea and again turns south , now in the close company of a very attractive coastal area , a labyrinth of inlets , bays , cliffs , promontories and lochans in a colourful and confusing array that must have sorely tested the surveyors and cartographers of the Ordnance Survey .
23 A magazine rack overflowed with rolled newspapers : they had obviously arrived by post , but many were unopened , as though Reid had n't had time to catch up with news that must have been at least a month old .
24 Then he heaved in a breath that must have gone right down to his toes , and his whole body arched and stiffened , and then relaxed on as prolonged an exhalation .
25 A sky-blue bus lumbered past , then they shot out on to the curving mountain road behind it , and a second later overtook it with a roar that must have terrified the already nervous passengers , as the buses always drove maniacally around these bends , desperate to stick to their schedule right down to the last fraction of a second .
26 And there was one just next to the door that must have come in while I had been lying there , unable to move .
27 ‘ I 'm — I 'm — ’ Her voice was quite flat , with no sign of the bitterness that had edged it earlier , or the mad rage that must have possessed her when she had destroyed Jessamy 's clothes .
28 The hope was realized — but in a style that must have exceeded even Chapman 's wildest dreams .
29 A side tunnel branched up slightly into a chamber that must have been worked as an exploration into the vein .
30 As for myself , I arrived at the first weekend in a state of high evangelism that must have bored everyone I met .
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