Example sentences of "[noun sg] that give them " in BNC.

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1 The sayings of country people , sometimes tinged with poetry , always rich in concrete images and braced with the vigour and rhythm that gives them long life , are worth revealing .
2 The girl singer was in good voice by the pool , singing some sentimental Spanish favourites , with that wistful lilt that gave them their distinctive charm .
3 A basic skill that gives them the greatest start in life .
4 The residents complain to the city council that gave them the land — and discover that it has now designated the area as a garbage dump .
5 The ‘ base communities ’ of Latin America know more than we do about hunger and sickness , but it is study of the Bible that gives them understanding and courage to demand justice in the name of the God of justice .
6 For some , in fact , this meeting may be the only evening out they have during the month ; and it is often the encouragement and moral support they get from the group that gives them the resolve to come at all .
7 If kids do things with their body that give them physical pleasure , that 's more sensuality rather than sexuality .
8 Is it belief that gives them reality ?
9 Recently , TCS entered into an agreement with Lotus Development Corporation that gave them exclusive distribution rights for the whole range of Recently there was uproar in India following ‘ body shopping ’ by American software firms .
10 It is this quality that gives them the semblance of life !
11 The will that gave them title had been written on a torn-out page of a 1938 diary , the only paper available when the family learnt of their imminent fate in the gas chamber .
12 Aboriginal communities have been so disenfranchised in the past that giving them a say in policies and decisions affecting them is seen as a key element in improving their health
13 Indeed , the Aboriginal communities have been so disenfranchised in the past that giving them a say in decisions and policies affecting them is seen as a key element in improving their health .
14 They deserve a role in our society that gives them a little more economic security and social dignity than is offered by the current outrageous employment practices .
15 And it 's just an uncle that give them
16 Can we expect individuals to enjoy equal rights and participation in their social lives and yet work under an authoritarian structure at the workplace that gives them little responsibility and allows them little scope for participation ?
17 What else could lead researchers to test the ultimate laws of nature with machines bigger than the ancient state of Athens , or to seek to live in space , cast adrift from the world that gave them birth ?
18 They will need space and comfort , perhaps a garden if they have always been used to one and enjoy gardening , and , above all , they will need a property that gives them some self esteem and security .
19 Sometimes , it is this flash of white belly that gives them away when you are roaming the river bank trying to spot them .
20 For example , if the credit period were reduced for customers to pay their debts it is likely that sales would decrease as customers may trade with another company that gives them a greater period to pay .
21 Death that gave them such a profound and lasting understanding of each other .
22 These advanced primates had large brains and eyes at the front of the face that gave them stereoscopic forward vision .
23 Institutions , such as the Cabinet , are sucked out of the larger political and societal context that gives them meaning , and they are regarded as having a life and importance all of their own .
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