Example sentences of "[noun sg] that give [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 " Together we have resisted the trap of appeasement , cynicism and isolation that gives temptation to tyrants .
2 In the deal that gave Air France part of Czech airline CSA , EBRD funds were being used to finance a deal between two state airlines , one of them run by his brother Bernard .
3 In particular , we would not know what it was about consciousness that gave rise to its falling under the given kinds of statement .
4 Smithers was an English publisher who got his sexual kicks from deflowering virgins , an obsession that gave rise to Oscar Wilde 's celebrated remark that ‘ Smithers loves first editions ’ .
5 One hundred and fifty-five years on from Darwin 's marital dilemma , the major pre-occupation that gave rise to the organization of the conference to which this paper is submitted , is a marriage of a different sort : the study of history and the use of information technology .
6 Meditation is that process of mental digestion that gives rise to understanding which integrates the energies of mind and will in a desire for God which is prayer .
7 Although crustal collisions may involve intra-oceanic as well as continental-margin island arcs , it is the convergence and eventual collision of continental crust that gives rise to intercontinental collision orogens ( Fig. 3.15 ) .
8 It was probably this practice that gave rise to the popular image of witches flying on broomsticks .
9 It was screwed to the jamb of a doorway that gave access to the premises of Henson & Burbidge , Fat and Bone Dealers .
10 Oldham was the scene of a great building boom in the second half of the nineteenth century , and many ordinary working folk bought shares in the great cotton industry that gave rise to it .
11 Using genetic engineering , the company Delta Biotechnology has inserted into yeast the human gene for the manufacture of haemoglobin , the protein that gives blood its scarlet colour and transports oxygen to tissues around the body .
12 ‘ Friedel ’ comes careering through the door with an axe in its hand , before forgetting what it was so angry about in the first place , while ‘ Liebeslied ’ is the sort of directionless tosh that gives experimentalism a bad name .
13 ‘ Friedel ’ comes careering through the door with an axe in its hand , before forgetting what it was so angry about in the first place , while ‘ Liebeslied ’ is the sort of directionless tosh that gives experimentalism a bad name .
14 It was this provision that gave rise to the loophole sought to be exploited by B.C.C.I. depositors .
15 But , as Sadler shrewdly and significantly observed , it was not merely economic change that gave rise to social and political anxieties , for there were ‘ psychological causes of unrest ’ which were ‘ more subtle and not less powerful ’ .
16 Holly stood beside a poorly dug hole and he looked down at a T-shaped junction of pipes and saw that the screw-fastened aperture that gave access to the pipe join and its subsidiary were swathed in doth and knotted around in plastic sheeting .
17 Indeed , traditional archivists devote much time and resources to providing users with a description of the administrative framework that gave rise to the generation of a particular record or class of records .
18 It is these survival techniques which provide the cultural and psychological framework that gives energy and support to black children .
19 But they have signally failed so far to build an intellectual constituency in wider circles of the kind that gave Thatcherism — which had little intellectual depth of its own — the basis on which to construct a new kind of politics .
20 She wanted to jump straight up from this padded and sheet-covered bench , once her blood donation was completed , and go up to Labour and Delivery to see , or at least hear about , Faye , but she knew from experience that giving blood left her drained and tired , and giving two hundred and fifty mils extra tonight would really sap her physical resources .
21 It is this sense of identification that gives hope to the newcomers that others will understand their fears and actions and show them the route to recovery .
22 Outside the church , I found a taxi rank , jumped in a taxi and asked to be taken to the village that gave County Louth its name .
23 Hallowell ( 1950 , 1956 ) went on to argue that the emergence of culture was due to a novel psychological structure rooted in the social behaviour of the gregarious primate that gave rise to Man .
24 Caterers can no longer afford to look for a machine that gives performance at any cost .
25 It asks the following : what is it about family law that gives rise to challenges to its authenticity as law ?
26 In one of the informal groups that preceded the foundation of the Royal Society , one finds that affirmation of independence that gives weight to the separation thesis .
27 If , for any reason , the new variety is competitively superior to the old one , superior in the sense that , perhaps because of its low ‘ stickiness ’ , it gets itself replicated faster or otherwise more effectively , the new variety will obviously spread through the test-tube in which it arose , out-numbering the parental type that gave rise to it .
28 It was , however , an issue that gave rise to an enormous emotional reaction on both sides .
29 Finally , Nuadu had found his way to the strange twilight community of the Wolfwood ; the place that gave shelter to the half-breeds : the bastard sons of Royal Houses , the creatures who were not possessed of sufficient Beastblood to be acknowledged at Tara , but yet were not entirely Human .
30 Ramie is a natural , linen-type fibre that gives fabric a most attractive slub finish .
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