Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [pron] tell " in BNC.

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1 I think it was Angie and Tony , going back to that incredible support that I told you about when I first met them , that they were also dreamers and had such faith and believed in David 's future and his destiny .
2 And it is with every confidence that I tell you I am sure that this young couple will have a very happy marriage , and I would ask you to join me in wishing them both a long , happy , and prosperous future together .
3 You see , we 'd got such confidence that she told me that when he died , she said , ‘ He died in his bed here ’ , that we were in , you see ; and she said , ‘ I then closed his eyes and I laid down with him till the morning so that nobody should be disturbed . ’
4 ‘ Did you care when you walked out on me the day that you told me about the notes and the wine glass , and then Rebecca came back to the office ?
5 Mr Ward was so opposed to the selection that he told the Association he no longer wanted to be a member .
6 In the Commons Mr Neil Kinnock 's demand that she tell the truth about Mr Lawson goaded Mrs Thatcher into saying : ‘ If he had wanted to resign on a point of policy , I could have understood that …
7 Mr McNally : ‘ Are you aware that when he authorised the extension that he told Mr Anderson , and indeed told me at 10.30am yesterday , that there was not sufficient evidence at that stage to charge Mr Anderson following the four interviews on May 24 ? ’
8 You see and that al old aunt that I told you about she always referred this road through as the new road .
9 But it rejected her claim that he told her to come to work in suspenders .
10 John Romain , Chief Engineer and pilot for ARCO recently experienced his first flight on the aircraft , a flight that he told Lindsey he had waited to accomplish for many years .
11 Earthy type , she used to say , but it was all talk with him and he never gave her any trouble that she told me about . ’
12 It was n't until almost his last breath that he told her of the board beneath his bed and what was under it , assuring her he had saved it for her .
13 Then his wife was frightened , and she said , " It is only a tale that I told you to ease your heart .
14 There 's the insurances and the tale that she tells them but tha , I think they 'll have that weighed up you know .
15 These are still very general in the sense that they tell you what kind of relations you would have to look for to turn Poulantzas ' scheme into an explanatory tool , rather than what relations of these types there actually are .
16 The painfully sensitive narrator of The Better Angel grows up to be a farmer , not a novelist , but there is still the sense that he tells his tale as an act of compulsive , faintly therapeutic , honesty .
17 He spoke in a voice that he told me was his Courtroom voice .
18 At all events we shall not go wrong in assuming that it is not without good reason that he tells us of so impressive a roll call of nationalities on the day of Pentecost ( 2:5–11 ) .
19 We 've , we 've just been told to write it about either kidnapping or erm about the thing that I told you
20 But yeah , I can see that , I can see that side of it but , I do n't know , just people that you say something in confidence to like , not like Trem but well er yeah I told , I told well Jenny take that thing that you told her , I mean that 's a bit off .
21 It was n't until my second year that I told anything like the truth about my father .
22 Nick was so thrilled with my caddying that he told everyone on television in an interview that ‘ Andy Prodger has been great .
23 Such was her dislike of maths by this stage that she told me :
24 The hon. Gentleman and his colleagues can save money if they do not believe in the nuclear deterrent , and it is high time that they told the country what their priorities are .
25 The deviousness and deceitfulness of tobacco advertising , promotion and sponsorship activities which are directed at children lie in the fact that they tell them that one must be healthy and have lung function of 120 per cent .
26 He appointed Steel-Maitland , another ten-minute decision , after Horne had refused , despite the fact that he told Tom Jones he had spent eighteen months contemplating the importance of the post : ‘ Neville recommended S-M .
27 Peter Noonan has been patiently waiting in the wings for six years , and finally , whether it was seeing Terry so happy , realising that she was n't getting any younger , or the fact that I told her I was thinking of getting married , sh — ’
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