Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [modal v] be " in BNC.

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1 Self-pity tends to block taking action that will be truly effective in reversing the downward spirals of primary and family diseases .
2 Here we review the significant progress made during Year Two of the plan , and look ahead to the action that will be taken during Year Three .
3 It should detail the person handling the case , any supervisor , the scope of the client 's instructions , timescale for resolution , secretary 's details , the action taken , the action that will be taken , costs and the complaints procedure .
4 Erm Newark and Sherwood District Council , er er instigating a customer comments procedure , erm whereby you can write or ring or anything at all that you think would improve their services , or anything suitable or anything like that , and there are details about it there , er with erm a flow chart , erm what the action that will be taken if their clients have a look at that , one of them 's just to receive public comments about their performance , I suppose it 's to do with er
5 Until now , at least publicly , the society has played down the level of anxiety ; it has resisted taking any action that could be seen as anti-government .
6 If she accepted this crazy proposal of his then she 'd be committing herself to a course of action that could be supremely dangerous to her .
7 Does he agree that the most effective action that could be taken to end homelessness would be if Labour-controlled London councils brought back into use the many thousands of empty homes under their control ?
8 Mr. Dear says that almost no action that could be registered and measured by Her Majesty 's inspector has yet been taken by the police committee .
9 They asked the individual chief officers to prepare reports to the committees on action that could be taken on the detailed recommendations of Friends of the Earth .
10 The process demonstrates both response to external pressure and the action that can be taken between companies which are both based in industrialised ( and therefore interdependent ) countries .
11 Game theory , in general , postulates a set of ‘ players ’ ( the ‘ interested parties ’ , be they individuals or groups ) , each of whom has a set of strategies ; strategies meaning courses of action that can be taken , which may be conditional on moves made by the others .
12 If the seller does not fulfil this task , the buyer 's right to cancel is extended indefinitely or until he takes action that can be construed as accepting the agreement .
13 I support the Bill , because anything that can add to the action that can be taken against car thieves is welcome .
14 Will the doubtful gains for the child 's personality development of an undiscriminating total ban outweigh the fairly certain chagrin , embarrassment and isolation that will be experienced when he or she can not join in some of the most popular entertainments and games of middle childhood ?
15 The intersections in the functional domains thus indicate the type of association that should be maintained , whilst the intersection in the geometric domain indicates the region in which it occurs .
16 This of course does not deny the grief that will be expressed , but it often acts as a strong trigger for its positive expression in a healthy way .
17 These figures vary , as they are bound to do , with differences in types of books stocked , binding policies , local circumstances , and — especially — the size of local bookfunds and therefore the minimum physical standard of stock that can be fixed pragmatically by each authority .
18 He had not behaved with courage so far , and some British officials considered that he was a weak card that should be played no longer .
19 Each box comes bundled with MS-DOS and Microsoft Corp Windows , but options include an on-board 50-pin SCSI 2 host adaptor and cable for extra storage or use of CD-ROM for multimedia applications ; and a network card that can be plugged into a 16-bit network adaptor socket .
20 Appeal to ecclesiastical censure as a way of explaining the misfortunes of scientific theories is a card that can be overplayed .
21 1.1 The overall goal of this investigation is to argue that there is a very great deal that can be said , that has not yet been said , about the semantic value of fundamental syntactic relations .
22 And biologists at universities are wary of spending years designing an experiment that may be postponed or lost in space .
23 ( i ) Describe briefly an experiment that could be carried out to obtain these results in the laboratory .
24 1978 ) administered in the early stages of the visually handicapped child 's schooling is a useful predictor of areas of visual perception that may be a source of problems when the child is using ordinary play materials , pictures and toys .
25 Second , it has yet to be shown that the reverse experiment , removing the immediately adjacent areas of the cortex while leaving area 17 intact , has the devastating effects on visual perception that would be expected .
26 Yes , quality training will be needed quality training which addresses the core values and the health and safety perception that will be the key to our success .
27 Most important , the formal statistical reasoning that can be applied to a-priori hypotheses is strictly invalid for exploratory analysis .
28 Indeed , behind the fears and accusations which surrounded the villainous working-class ‘ scorcher ’ , his emancipated female accomplice , and the unruly cyclist juror we can perhaps sense the vaguely incoherent feeling that the democratic bicycle — which was now only upsetting the respectable pleasures of a quiet Bank Holiday weekend in the countryside — was representative of a force that might be calculated to upset a few other things as well .
29 Though the current talk is about establishing multinational units and of creating a European rapid-deployment force that could be sent off at short notice to cope with unexpected contingencies , Europe 's armies have too many of the wrong sorts of forces , doing the wrong jobs .
30 At least one high-readiness multinational corps is expected to be a rapid-deployment force that could be sent from central Europe to keep the peace or do battle elsewhere .
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