Example sentences of "[noun sg] is for [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ How fit shooting is for all kinds of men : how honest a pastime for the mind ; how wholesome an exercise for the body . ’
2 This chapter is for those who may need to make decisions about equipping a teaching institution with video recording hardware .
3 For a statute or a past decision poses problems of consistency in strategy only when it has assigned people legal rights that a judge forming a new rule is for some reason powerless to change , rights that would work badly with the new rights he wants to create .
4 If I can find whoever the senior organizer is for each conference , or whoever is doing the introductory talk ,
5 A useful piece of advice to avoid this is to tell users that they should be trying to decide how attractive the industry is for some SBU that is strong in that industry .
6 And this figure is for each cell , not all the cells of a body put together .
7 However , that imposition simultaneously reveals how , without linguistic knowledge to explain the distinction , the enforced recognition is for many teachers a traumatic experience .
8 So on his next few field trips to Mexico he searched this area properly to find out just what the range is for this species .
9 Occasionally a married man , particularly if his sexual capacity is for some reason declining , may find pornography more attractive than the " real thing " .
10 The first is that the book is written for engineers ; project management is for many the first form of management they encounter and the first form to which they are appointed .
11 Paddlers who normally carry a throwbag in a buoyancy aid back pocket will continue to do so but this holster is for those who do not have back pockets in their buoyancy aids or , indeed , bank support members not wearing buoyancy aids at all .
12 The plan is for both units to work closely together .
13 The helpline is for both authorities .
14 Our sport is for all this is not a slick statement of jargon but a fact , thanks to our boats sailors of all ages and all eligibilities can participate .
15 The Gospel is for all mankind , not just for the Jews ( Luke 2:14 , 32 ; 3:6 ; 4:16–30 ; 7:9 ; 9:52 ; 10:30–35 ; 17:12 ; 24:47 ) .
16 The main requirement is for each degree of differentiation to be clearly demarcated from others in the eyes of buyers and for each firm to be the lowest-cost producer within each category .
17 what the overall overhead is for this organization , in terms of people
18 Western security is for all practical purposes , non-existent , at least in the view of Russian diplomats who have served in the West .
19 The conference is for those working in education for the over-16s and the Youth and Community Services and will demonstrate the multi-ethnic , multicultural nature of European society .
20 The official aim is for all countries to take a critical look at their own communications policies and to help the developing nations improve theirs .
21 If the incubation period is for less than I h , which should be sufficient to produce some metaphase accumulation , there is probably no need to include serum or to gas the medium .
22 The Active Toning Kit is for those who have time to work on their body .
23 I do n't know what the one , the the there 's usually a theme for every one world week each year and I do n't know what the theme is for this year .
24 This cake is for those with a sense of the macabre , or a love for the old Hammer Horror films .
25 Advanced Diesel is for all diesel engined vehicles .
26 I think from that report there was a there was a requirement or request that perhaps the theatre should actually have a public meeting to talk about which way the theatre was going what things were going on at the theatre and that 's what the meeting is for this evening .
27 It should be apparent therefore that public transport is for many people on Skerne Park a lifeline link to town centre and vital facilities such as supermarkets and doctors .
28 And that 's what the gradient is for any X along here .
29 A suitable compromise is for both parties to rely on the opinion of a leading Queen 's Counsel as to whether or not and to what extent the purchaser 's claim is likely to succeed .
30 ECOVER floor soap is for all types of floors .
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