Example sentences of "[noun sg] is [v-ing] for " in BNC.

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1 THE Northern Ireland School 's Football Association is looking for talented young players for the coming international season .
2 The Association is paying for the work , expected to cost in the region of £5,500 ( $9,600 ) from donations worldwide and has also launched an appeal for funds to restore the whole altar .
3 Keegan 's club is building for the future on the back of 30,000 gates every home match , but the Newcastle boss refuses to discuss transfer targets and would n't comment on the Ferdinand situation yesterday .
4 ‘ The whole of this club is rooting for him and wishing him well , ’ added the comparatively young Liverpool chairman , who admitted to finding his first year in office ‘ a difficult baptism ’ .
5 And despite a large membership , the club is appealing for new bowlers to join .
6 The club is pressing for recognition of decompression sickness as an NHS liability .
7 ( Suddenly telling a child to go to bed in the middle of an exciting TV programme is asking for trouble .
8 The estate agent is selling for a third party and it would be totally wrong that his client should suffer because of the false window-dressing of his agent .
9 While your subconscious mind is searching for some final point to include in the margins , go on to the final stage .
10 Dreadco is appealing for middle-aged identical twins , one to live in the low-pressure laboratory and one outside , while microscopic examination compares the rate at which grey hairs appear on their scalps .
11 The Commerce Department is looking for the book market to expand markedly up to 1997 , achieving average annual growth rated of 3.5% in constant dollars throughout the period .
12 And she had one or two hires including higher art and then somebody said oh that would be good for the P R department is looking for staff so she now is doing a superb job running a marketing operation , editing an internal newspaper it all herself and erm all of that I taught her , now I want to move her on to the stage where she can get professional recognition for this , now that is what I call an absolute beginner
13 An ambitious lecturer in an English Department is writing for his peer group , not for the general public .
14 The region 's social work department is appealing for ‘ shared carers ’ who can spend one or two days a month with people who have special needs .
15 Another is that of a broker/dealer department advising customer A to purchase shares in company B when the corporate finance department is acting for B and knows that it is on the verge of insolvency .
16 R.5(6) provides that a shareholder shall not exercise any voting rights in respect of any share held in breach of any part of R.5 — a breach could come about either because a shareholder is not permitted to be a shareholder or because a shareholder is holding for another person who is not permitted to be a beneficial owner .
17 A number of further points should be noted : ( 1 ) If the financial adviser is acting for a newly-formed bidder ( eg an " off-the-shelf " company ) , the standard of care required of it has a special dimension .
18 A difficulty with conducting this type of research is controlling for outside factors , for example , international recession , or war , or a disastrous crop failure .
19 The second storyline is going for the wider market , and some might argue , a little too near-the-knuckle for such an early evening show .
20 The transparent ‘ honesty ’ with which he will say good and bad about the people he 's worked with and around has always to be taken as having a ‘ point of view ’ ; that ‘ point of view ’ is governed by what Niki is looking for at any particular moment .
21 The mayor is preparing for a charity penalty shoot-out competition at the Leicester City-Middlesbrough game next Wednesday .
22 We stop on the verge beyond the clearing , the car is murmuring for a decision .
23 Along with luck , this is the scarce commodity which no one in the music business can manufacture and which everyone in the industry is looking for .
24 As there is no confidence in the supply of milk , the dairy processing industry is looking for new ways of selling dairy products .
25 Despite these soaring levels of homelessness , hardly any affordable housing is being built even though the construction industry is calling for jobs .
26 INDUSTRY is preparing for another assault on advance corporation tax .
27 Russian industry is going for a song .
28 Now the tobacco industry is going for the slightly more subtle form of advertising which is sponsorship .
29 Labour is calling for Mr Patten to resign or be sacked
30 Labour is working for the community
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