Example sentences of "[noun sg] is [prep] we " in BNC.

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1 In recent days , he wrote , perhaps because Spring is upon us , I have been putting in the hours but the intensity has gone .
2 One supposes that sort of snobbery is behind us .
3 The force is with us .
4 The Enemy is upon us and we have no time to organise ourselves into battalions and ordered companies .
5 ‘ If those planets are Capurnicum and Ariadnum , ’ said Jason , looking at the map , ‘ then Planet Zog is behind us . ’
6 We are supposed to be able to turn the silver piece round , so that the plain side of the work is towards us , allowing the needles to lie in the grooves on the underside of the garter bar and replace the stitches on the needles .
7 God 's holy angel is among us !
8 But the plan is for us all to write a couple of things to put on an album . ’
9 Cos the purpose of the exercise is for us to see how far we 've come , but the most important purpose of the exercise is to determine where we wan na go .
10 ( We must remember that this was closer to them than the Second World War is to us . )
11 I have no right and you have been very generous , Fred , Uncle Steve and the boys and Gertie ca n't understand why you did n't come here with us , Gert only said this morning that you ought to be here , your place is with us , but do n't think I am not grateful .
12 We try to find God 's plan , for this job is beyond us .
13 In contrast to the pervading mood of fear and uncertainty of last year , the atmosphere from 17 to 22 June this year was one of resignation : the crisis is upon us ; there 's no end to it in sight , but we still have to be here .
14 Another sign of possible 1929-style international financial crisis is upon us .
15 Why , if the Pacific era is upon us , has it all happened here ?
16 We think a new era is before us .
17 The onus is on us to extend our understanding of that society , rather than to insist on seeing everything in terms of our ready-made distinctions .
18 As such foods become more widely available , the onus is on us to put our money where our mouths are .
19 If the answer 's no we do not approve then it 's up to us , the onus is on us to do whatever we can , wherever we have any control to prevent it happening .
20 But we suppose that there are many propositions about the past whose truth is for us evidence-transcendent .
21 The Bible is for us the primary source of authority but not the only source .
22 Having been drawn into the awareness , having re-experienced it in our bodies , we can then stand outside it and see what its meaning is for us .
23 I do n't think any more , the wall is between us , I think , the wall keeps us apart .
24 Er the reason for the get-together is for us to look closely at the aspirations of the group within the immediate future , and taking us forward three to five years .
25 As well as using this guide and learning from practical experience , an important way of improving our service is for us to continue to be knowledgeable about the broader theory and practice of our work .
26 And if you see a sexy scene and you get a hanger , then it worked , it was erotic , and there 's not argument because , ah , the evidence is before us .
27 Their existence should not be taken to mean that studying the neural bases of behaviour is beyond us , but they should be recognized when designing and interpreting experiments .
28 ‘ Products come from Britain , Spain or France , but the customers ’ relationship is with us because we live in Italy , speak the same language and follow the same way of life , ’ says general manager .
29 ‘ Unless Manchester United slip up badly , the title is beyond us , ’ was his surprisingly negative appraisal .
30 But then if Lubavitch is right and the messianic age is upon us , the criticisms will scarcely matter very much .
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