Example sentences of "[noun sg] is [verb] each " in BNC.

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1 If specific information about pupils ' ability , eligibility for free school meals , any disabilities etc. is required , then a painstaking search is undertaken each time for the particular piece of information required .
2 In addition , a Special Study is offered each year on a theme such as Intelligence and National Security in 20th-century Britain ; Science , State and Society ; or Ethnic Conflict .
3 A period of continuous study is required each year and candidates are advised to budget for at least one week per year in residence .
4 In the subsequent investigation of a claim , the proper practice is to check each statement in the Summons for its accuracy and for its relevance to the issues .
5 If the location of the sequence , or sequences , is completely unknown and requires fine mapping to a G-band ( replication bands are equivalent ) on a chromosome , the practice is to identify each chromosome and to score the position of each silver grain overlying it .
6 As I understand it , nearly a hundred and fifty thousand pound is allocated each year to the G M B.
7 Fishing is let each year to the same people , many of whom have been coming to Brora for decades .
8 The major concern for clients in debt recovery work is reporting each stage of each case , and this report facility , linked with the information already held on computer , will provide an opportunity for reports to be prepared to clients ' specifications on any given timescale .
9 The rate multiplier is set each year in England and Wales by central government and can not rise by more than the annual rate of inflation .
10 As each question is asked each team goes into a huddle and then writes down its answer .
11 As each question is asked each team goes into a huddle and then writes down its answer .
12 When you 've finished sorting them into their piles , the next job is to put each pile into a separate bag , so that you would put all your bones into one bag , all your pottery into another .
13 In an average-sized bookshop 30% of the product is changing each year .
14 This process is repeated each time the highest-level index existing at that time requires a third or fourth track to be added .
15 At the 18th century Sanctuary of Soviore , a music festival is hosted each summer .
16 The extension at the end of the volume name is incremented each time a new volume in the set is opened , for example : STDMAN.002 , STDMAN.003 and so on .
17 The analytical procedure is to use each theme as an axis around which different elements of empirical data are grouped .
18 Beneath the Castle Esplanade , where the famous Tattoo is held each year during the International Festival , there is a picturesque group of buildings which includes the house of Allan Ramsay , the eighteenth century poet .
19 Apart from knowing facts such as " oranges contain vitamin C " and liver contains iron " , hardly anyone had a clue as to what actually constitutes a sound balanced diet or even how much of each nutrient is required each day for their body size , or anyone else 's body size for that matter .
20 All the bands have now been assigned to symmetry species , and all we need to do to complete the assignment is to associate each band with a particular form of vibration , best expressed in terms of local motions such as Ge-H bond stretching .
21 According to a simple version of the adaptive expectations hypothesis , the expected rate of inflation is revised each period by adding on some proportion ( say , w ) of the observed error in the previous period , where w lies between zero and one .
22 NEXT loop control variable is changed each time round the loop .
23 The rate is reviewed each year and you will be informed in advance of any changes .
24 A pilgrimage is made each year by villagers from Holy Trinity to St Faith 's where a short service is held .
25 The simplest such resistant average is to replace each data value by the median of three values : the value itself , and the two values immediately adjacent in time .
26 The total Scottish Block is calculated each year by simply adopting the changes in expenditure agreed for comparable programmes in England and Wales , adjusted for the differences in population .
27 An effective control is to paint each emerging shoot with neat weedkiller .
28 Even if such an arrangement is adopted each person will remain liable for their own charge and in the event of non-payment any outstanding amount will be recovered from each person in the normal way .
29 One of the most satisfactory , for the rubbery , high-temperature part of the curve , is that of Ferry & Tobolsky whose method is to multiply each J(t) value by the ratio where are the reference temperature and density at that temperature and T , — the same quantities for data being modified .
30 The most common method is to divide each picture into square blocks of pixels .
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