Example sentences of "[noun sg] it might [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I thought if I planted a few seeds of jealousy in your mind it might just drive you into my arms that little bit sooner . ’
2 Finally , All that Dwell Therein shows that the debate is important , not just for the effect it might ultimately have on our treatment of animals , but for what it might reveal about ourselves .
3 Since it is a crude oversimplification it might also mislead you .
4 Held , allowing the appeal , the problem was considered in Mann ( 1972 ) 56 Cr.App.R. 750 where Lord Widgery C.J. had said that if an accused remained silent in response to every question it might well be that the evidence of the onesided dialogue should not be admitted .
5 At this point it might well happen that blocks of shops and houses would be built down one side of the market place , taking the place of a number of stalls , and so creating the plan , described above , where the original open space is reduced to a broad main street , with a detached block of buildings down one side , behind which is a narrow back street , as at St Albans , or Kimbolton in Huntingdonshire , to speak of only two examples .
6 His gentle manner of saying it robbed the remark of any reproof it might otherwise have carried .
7 One day it might not be , unless careful attention was kept .
8 After a tit had seen another tit open a milk bottle top it might then try out the behaviour pattern for itself ; it would discover the reward , and go on to open other bottles .
9 erm the paradox then says how can evolution possibly lead by natural selection to the selection of just that protein which best performs some function if , just by a random process of mutation it might never happen in the first place .
10 While this might stop the behaviour it might also stop him ringing you when he is really in difficulties .
11 In any event it might not be worthwhile seeking an extension where the sum over the limit is relatively small .
12 I 'm actually , I 'm quite high on as theorist as well and I like to write everything out in full and I clear structures and if I go to training sessions and they 're all over the place , it 's such a in about five minutes and I have to say hang on a minute it might not be structured in the way that you like it but you can actually learn from it .
13 If , for instance , the animal became imprinted on a tennis ball it might subsequently attempt to mate with other tennis balls !
14 Said by a headteacher to a pupil it might well function as an order .
15 For example it might perhaps enable a prophet to speak out fearlessly in god 's name .
16 The purchaser may be tempted to take a stance it might not have chosen if the same negotiations had taken place at a later stage .
17 It might be limiting with a change of address it might not .
18 In one sense it might also be said to have laboured to produce a mouse .
19 Bob could I ask you , if I understood correctly , one is that really logging is not the main problem , cutting down rainforests , and two , if their really was efficient logging it might actually be better for the rainforests , the consequence of which if that 's correct would be that we should be concentrating on governments , rather than on timber .
20 Dominating Nefta is another extraordinary feature , so incongruous that at first sight it might well be a mirage .
21 I opened it cautiously , only a crack , just in case it might not be my friend though I could think of no one else who would be here at this time of night .
22 Degree course in EP — At present it might not be possible to justify a degree devoted wholly to EP but a twelve-module course covering the subjects listed in Section 4 , with considerable emphasis on the analytical content and on multimedia project work , would certainly justify the provision of a course covering the final two years of a degree course .
23 If the Council was getting loads of growth in its budget it might not need to increase its charges .
24 If you use milk it might not go completely solid but you should still manage to get some lumps of frozen milk .
25 With luck it might not return for months .
26 Of course it might even be something more dramatic like leukaemia .
27 Include it in that , those twelve weeks because I know it 's , you know , a bit erm I would try and see if I could set up some sex education with the health centre and the , you know , that she used to take them and they went through contraception and condoms and whatever at the , and she used to take them down for an afternoon it might well be that they have to miss a lesson
28 There was another possibility for this L-shaped trail : rather than showing the death of a new mesotron it might instead show a known muon that somehow had been captured by the matter around it , extracted energy from it and then shot off again : this was the suggestion that Blackett had made , and Charles Frank began to think about it .
29 Take us and Europe now , is n't it odd that , after two world wars , in which our men who died , our nations sacrificed themselves in fighting what was thought to be the great German danger , we now find ourselves at least as much hostile to our allies in both of those wars — the French — as we do to the Germans , and if one could measure this sort of thing it might well be that in the British public at large you would find more sympathy towards the Germans than the French .
30 Hector Charlesworth broadcast a Dominion Day speech , in both English and French , in which he pointed out that a famous French writer had said that ‘ A man with two languages is a man with two souls ’ and he felt that if LaRochfoucauld could make such a statement it might well be embraced by all true Canadians .
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