Example sentences of "[noun sg] it has [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There is little chance of the " professional " participator emerging with real understanding , for to find out the truth of religion it has to be wrestled with and lived , not just safely and probably patronizingly studied from a safe distance .
2 We can all get a chuckle over that the fact that Microsoft is going to refuse to renew the cross-licence it has with IBM for Windows and NT after it expires next year .
3 In Darcy 's Utopia it has to be .
4 Every instrument here is adding what weight it has to one of the four component parts of the texture ( i.e. and the tune itself ) .
5 So one vote it has to be .
6 At that rent it has to be . ’
7 He asked why the parish council were so against the signs ‘ Do the parish have an official policy , because if they do , they should think again about the effect it has on the village . ’
8 The dream itself has no meaning ; the effect it has on the second person tells a great deal about that person .
9 The practical advantage of experience is the effect it has on confidence .
10 The cost to cricket will be the diluting effect it has on Test cricket .
11 Thus the function of the family is the effect it has on other parts of the social structure and on society as a whole .
12 We were particularly interested in Pamela 's relationship with Mr. B- ( whom we call Belville , as in Giffard 's 1741 adaptation , which featured the up and coming David Garrick , still working under the soubriquet " A Gentleman " ) , the effect it has on the people around them and the pressures put on the relationship by those people .
13 You would n't believe the effect it has on the value . ’
14 Delegate , Linda Clark , said she had learned ‘ the importance of good communication and the effect it has on our team objectives . ’
15 It will still be the case that only random aggregate demand will affect real output , and the more unpredictable aggregate demand is , the less effect it has on output .
16 He does n't defend it as the best way of getting the correct decision , he does n't defend it , or he does n't solely defend it that way he does n't defend it either on the idea that people have right to be tried by their peers for example which is the most likely defence now , but he defends jury service on the grounds of the effect it has on the jurors which is quite a novel erm .
17 We 've er added extra staff in , in er credit control departments where it 's been necessary and by a process of education , at every Pearson seminar we rang home the message of the importance of cash and James provides examples of different methods of operating and the effect it has on cash and what happened to market share ?
18 In that state inside my head , this is like intellectuals in a country sneering at religion while not being able to deny the effect it has on the mass of people .
19 Temperature is an important factor in rates of chemical weathering , both through the direct effect it has on the rate of chemical reactions ( see Section 6.2.2 ) , and indirectly through its influence on rates of organic activity and hence the production of both soil carbon dioxide and organic acids — both critical components in chemical weathering .
20 An important element of any compensation payment is the damages intended to compensate you for the injury itself , and the effect it has on you and your lifestyle , both today and in the future .
21 You also have to think of the effect it has on other people , how er if you just let people get away with it , it does n't mean you hate them , loathe them and damn them but er you 've got to make them realise that for other people , for everybody .
22 Any regulatory framework must be judged against the effect it has on the cost of financial intermediation and the allocative efficiency of the financial system .
23 Ah , the time has come , my friends , ’ he informed William and Joe , ‘ that the world shall know what an artiste it has in Auguste Didier and I shall begin with your whiting , messieurs . ’
24 Ken , in the event neither fulminated nor frothed , and managed to restrict himself to a 15-minute speech in which he advanced some very cogent and well measured arguments for preventing bolting gaining the same sort of prominence it has in other countries — notably France and America .
25 And er a although we usually associate language identity with minority groups , linked with minority groups er it 's quite important that we do n't erm dismiss the prominence it has in majority groups as well .
26 Is the media merely a tool that can be used by the dominant group in society to bring about whatever change or lack of change they require or does it , by its nature , shape the influence it has on the population ?
27 It must be remembered that for all its world status and the great influence it has upon the rest of the airworthiness authorities of the western world , the FAA is after all made up of fallible human beings .
28 Here it may be that er it 's important to say er what she said value or what relevance it has to the trial of the son anyway .
29 ‘ It is a pity it has to be done this way , ’ Sandor observed .
30 The disproportionate hold it has on the psyche of white South Africa was evident as soon as the two-pronged Antipodean assault on the previously unconquered Springbok citadel got underway .
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