Example sentences of "[noun sg] it was to " in BNC.

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1 For the underground it was to be almost unknown .
2 Enough has been said even in this brief review to make the point that when men wished to designate sanctity or degrees of sanctity it was to the hierarchy of precious substances that they turned for appropriate symbols .
3 The great bulk of population movement occurred independently of Moscow in the years 1917–22 , but after the end of NEP it was to be strictly enforced , and took place on a vast scale again .
4 This all reflects the important part that political organizations played in the Edwardian era , for when politicians needed means of communication and organization in a time of crisis it was to the parties rather than to the state that they turned for the machinery and the expertise ; it was not to be the same in 1939 , with consequent effects on the state of the local parties by 1945 .
5 They also pointed out that in a competitive market for a homogeneous product it was to be expected that prices would be identical and follow each other closely .
6 Although the stanchions are in place it was to be a further 3 years before electrification was completed .
7 Then there were officers with particular functions , one whose job it was to be at the scene of the crime before the body was touched or moved .
8 It is hard to convey to those who do not remember the abysmal depths of post-war British catering what a heady sensation it was to be invited to strike a blow for improvement — or to strike a restaurant off for bad cooking , uncleanliness or lack of attention .
9 When he arrived at the meeting it was to be told that he was suspended and barred from his office .
10 All red wine and vintage port would have been decanted ; port as early as possible on the day it was to be drunk ; claret two or three hours before drinking and kept at room temperature without a stopper in order to let it ‘ breathe ’ .
11 On this occasion it was to be hoped that humiliation and hurt pride had been assuaged by a new pair of shoes and a many-stranded jet necklace — like early travellers taking presents to the natives , Sophia felt .
12 I was out of my element , and the air itself could have been made of gold for all the use it was to me .
13 Then Cantona committed his second And if the masses shoe-horned onto the Vicarage Road terraces had the growing feeling it was to be Watford 's night , Cantona 's second howler of the night when Strachan 's cross found the darling of Elland Road unmarked again and just six yards out .
14 Bunting ( 1978 ) in more general terms disclaims this responsibility and states that with the introduction of high-yielding paddy it was to be expected there were social problems but it was up to the politicians to ‘ do something about it ’ .
15 In addition it was to be hoped that Max could come up with some fairly definite cause of death ; and it was even possible ( if only just ) that the surgeon might throw caution to the wind for once and volunteer a tentative approximation of the time it had actually happened .
16 The press-book heralded Black Legion as the ‘ Truest To Life Film Ever Made ’ and if this claim was meant to refer to the actual Detroit trial it was to the settings of the film that the most audiences would have applied it .
17 What a thing it was to be loved .
18 And what a fitting end it was to this season 's cup campaign .
19 What a cost it was to him !
20 When the OED was planned in the mid-nineteenth century it was to be a new approach to lexicography .
21 When he returned to Africa to work in journalism it was to the Gold Coast he came in 1934 .
22 Her family wrote and said that Medau was Beryl 's whole life and what a great comfort it was to them to know she had so many loving friends .
23 When I came out of a nightmare of pain it was to a swirling world of night , and a storm .
24 First time it was to the did he say whether Gavin got off alright ?
25 It took me for ever to decide on the colour , style and material it was to be made in .
26 In design it was to be a narrow flight of steps descending a steep slope , partly below ground , that ended abruptly above the sea at a vertical plate-glass wall .
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