Example sentences of "[noun sg] it may [adv] " in BNC.

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31 In response to this line of thought it may well be pointed out that the subordination of woman to man is depicted in scripture as having resulted from the fall .
32 This is obviously the major book here , but owing to its hardback success it may well be a little disappointing as a paperback .
33 To avoid postage it may sometimes be sensible to mention in the advertisement that rejected candidates , who fall into group 1 , will not be informed in writing .
34 Where a project requires technical expertise it may also be necessary for the company to recruit suitably qualified personnel or seek outside advice if the expertise is lacking , both at the outset and during the course of the project .
35 In this case it may either be categorized as a C k ( or C k- ) non-scalar curvature singularity if all scalars in the metric tensor , the alternating symbol , the Riemann tensor and its first k derivatives are bounded , that is , tend to a C ( or C - ) function .
36 In the latter case it may even be a matter of reading one page in one session , whereas in the former you may be able to read and study a chapter — or even two .
37 In such a case it may well be advisable to draw up the contract to cover stages that can be defined in this way and make contracts for succeeding stages conditional upon achieving agreed criteria of success for prior stages .
38 In addition it may also cover the goodwill of the business .
39 If the People 's Party does badly in the election it may well reject the result .
40 The smoke is probably unburnt fuel If the carb is a little bit worn it will do this The Solex carb is more prone to this than the later Zenith It may also be slight oil burning which is also very common as the engine starts and only happens for a few seconds This is a ‘ feature ’ of Land Rovers and is not really cause for concern
41 In a general index it may only be possible to distinguish between different meanings of the one homograph by using scope notes or qualifying terms wherever the term arises , and thus in some way replace the context that is normally absent in respect of index terms .
42 The Church will then inevitably decline in an increasingly irreversible way , as in some parts of the world it may already be doing .
43 Certainly she could not compete on anything like equal terms with Hilda Doolittle , the poet H.D. who , having mythologised her relations with Pound in a roman à clef many years ago , did it all over again just before her death in End to Torment , a supposed ‘ memoir ’ which people seem disposed to take literally , though in its scattiness it may well be as fictionalised as the novel had been .
44 According to the World Health Organization it may soon be possible for these disorders to be controlled or even eliminated — but since there is no cure , this can only mean by early detection in the fetus and abortion .
45 Similarly , in the case of a local authority , formal authority to make decisions will rest with the full council ; but in reality it may well be that power is in the hands of a few councillors and chief officers such that the locus of decision making may be far removed from the full council meeting .
46 Notice that appraisal , stimulated by new ideas , does not necessarily undermine conventional assumption It may indeed confirm them .
47 In a small garden it may even be possible to divide the area into a series of small paved ‘ rooms ’ , using low raised beds to create a strong visual element without dominating or casting much shade .
48 On the other hand it may well be true , as John said , that those with pale skins had an easier life and felt guilty about that .
49 On the other hand it may well be that you plan to reset the nets somewhere else and net again that same night .
50 In the end it may all depend on the depth of Richard Branson 's pocket , in moments of nostalgia even he may wonder if he sold the wrong business .
51 Thus , for example , in a police operational matter it may well be that one individual must make a decision and make that decision quickly .
52 The Board of Trade 's official figure for 1892 was 20,000 and for 1893 , 15,000 but for the latter year it may actually have been less , little more than 12,000 .
53 and judging by the success of the IRAS system it may well be 2 ½ years — as long , for example , as the Einstein X-ray Observatory survived .
54 If it attempts to return to the burrow system it may well become trapped on trying to get back underground .
55 In particular , if a historical perspective enters into the survey it may well be quite invaluable to interview old people for their memories of the community as it was so many years ago .
56 During the intervening period between the date of such an order and the date fixed for delivery of possession it may very well be , and indeed obviously must be , that the statutory tenant has certain rights and certain obligations .
57 The first is to take the beast as an object the girls would be frightened of : in this perspective it may well have existed .
58 This difference is primarily an effect of the composition of the lava , but to a certain extent it may also be the result of the high proportion of phenocrysts present in the lava .
59 Her grief will be particularly hard to ‘ work through ’ , for to some extent it may always be open-ended .
60 All we have to do is report to the parents once a year it does n't say that everything has to be on the report sheet at the same time it may well be some information goes at one particular time and some at another .
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