Example sentences of "[noun sg] was that the " in BNC.

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1 The biggest problem and disappointment was that the international rig count continued downwards and that was where we had been hoping for increased sales and increased market share looking into this year and into the last part of last year .
2 ‘ Part of the deal was that the vessel should be renamed and based on the Clyde .
3 The result of the CAFU experiment was that the cockpit conversation between the flight crew when they were not using the intercom was crystal clear .
4 Indeed , our own perception was that the system was performing quite well but staff in branches were telling us , in plain English , that they were unhappy .
5 Of total foreign investment in Czechoslovakia over the previous 2 years only 11 per cent had gone to Slovakia , and the common perception was that the industries of the Czech Lands were in general better placed to benefit from the programme of rapid privatization emphasised by Klaus .
6 His reasoning was that the first field was inadequate for operating with the additional load .
7 His reasoning was that the productivity of free workers was greater than slave labour if the labourers were offered sufficient inducement through piece-work and high rates for day labour ; the cost of getting the same amount of work done by slaves was greater than the cost of the higher rates offered as an inducement .
8 Its only important recommendation was that the vestiges of the competition should be preserved by employing the prizemen in favour of Pennethorne on the Foreign Office .
9 In short , the allegation was that the Stock Exchange 's rules were restrictive of competition , and the onus was on the Exchange to prove otherwise .
10 The allegation was that the excess oxygen negligently administered had caused the blindness .
11 The allegation was that the defendants had supplied contaminated water to the plaintiffs thereby causing them personal injury .
12 The result was that the union became subordinated for some time to the hierarchy and a breakaway union of protestant teachers was formed .
13 The result was that the social pressure had no effect at all .
14 One result was that the British were the world 's major communications operators .
15 The initial result was that the Conservatives had sought to counter the collectivist strategy of progressivism with a collectivism of their own , while individualist arguments had been relegated to the margins of Conservative politics .
16 The result was that the dealers did n't take too many orders for the ‘ old ’ car .
17 The result was that the board was confined to the business of handling ships and cargo but required ministerial consent if , for example , it wished to develop the land attached to the sites .
18 The result was that the Conservative Party suffered an identity crisis .
19 In 1946 , however , Lean directed his first film without a Coward connection , Great Expectations , and the huge reputation and success this enjoyed coincided with the start of the long postwar decline suffered by Coward — the net result was that the writer 's contribution to the earlier films ' success became progressively marginalized , a state of affairs hardly helped by the increasing influence of French auteurist models of film analysis on British critics .
20 The result was that the Government virtually had to climb down over its much heralded claim that it was offering the miners a significant increase in pay .
21 The result was that the babies with analgesia had much reduced postoperative endocrine changes , fewer complications and earlier recovery .
22 The result was that the clay hardened and the wax melted , leaving a space between the inner core , called the ‘ crook ’ , and the outer shell , called the ‘ cope ’ .
23 The result was that the man left walking the beat had little of interest to do by way of responding to requests for emergency services …
24 The result was that the eastern lords saw no reason to modernise their society , no reason to foster the growth of industry .
25 The result was that the vast majority of those attending the initial meeting went home and stayed home , and the Group , as far as I am aware , achieved little .
26 The result was that the story was set aside for the time being .
27 The result was that the test vehicles horsepower was increased by 11% .
28 The result was that the proportion of the population over the age at which state pensions can now be drawn ( 65 years for men and 60 for women ) , increased over the eighty-year period from about one in twenty ( 5 per cent ) to over one in six ( about 18 per cent ) .
29 The Civilization Society more deliberately went out for bipartisan support and one result was that the six Conservative MPs who belonged to only one antislavery body chose to give their support to it .
30 West Germany objected to French being the single language of the organisation , and the net result was that the ECSC had to operate with four official languages .
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