Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 The relevant facts are stated in the judgment of the court ( Cockburn C.J. , Wightman and Blackburn JJ. ) , delivered by BLACKBURN J. : In this case it appeared on the trial that the defendant was agent for a Mrs. Bennett , who was non-resident owner of houses in a district subject to a local Act .
2 The original basis of liability under the rule was responsibility for the creation of an exceptional risk which happened to ripen into injury .
3 The first baronet was MP for New Shoreham in 1708–13 and 1715–20 : on his death in 1720 , his executors sold his large shareholding in the South Sea Company , and his son was left around £600,000 .
4 On the other hand , it was clearly preferable to the assumption that to be deprived of a child was punishment for sin .
5 The unknown friend was meat for their curious excitement .
6 A recurring shortage was material for students with low reading levels at Key Stage 3 .
7 The result of this French Classic was victory for Prince Faisal 's Rafha , trained by Mr Henry Cecil and ridden by the all conquering Willie Carson , who had won our Oaks at Epsom the previous day .
8 Yet even the fact of her absence was cause for congratulation , for what she had presciently foretold had come to pass .
9 The reason for this electoral angst stems from an incident in 1983 when his father was Minister for Agriculture and Nick was due to receive his degree from Newcastle University .
10 His first feeling was pity for those gentle sheep and their unborn lambs .
11 Her second feeling was pity for her murdered and mutilated cousin and her third feeling was one of fear .
12 An important item in this trade was timber for the construction of ships .
13 Included in the arrangement was provision for some joint training .
14 The golf season was triumph for Robert McLaren ( Craigforth ) who in the final of the Pearce Cup beat Charles Brown , the conqueror of Willie Thomson ( Craigforth ) in the semi-final .
15 A brother of the Earl was MP for Bootle until 1910 , when he gave up his seat to Bonar Law after Law 's defeat in Manchester .
16 There was another feature of the accumulated data at this time that would cause problems later , namely their mistaken belief that the 2500 keV peak was evidence for neutrons ; a true neutron capture peak should occur at 2224 keV .
17 Life was hell for unsuccessful acts ; not only did the performers have to put up with heckling and catcalls but they had to be agile enough to duck the rotten eggs and fruit thrown by a disgruntled audience .
18 Although the immediate context for the ‘ attack ’ on local government was pressure for overall reductions in public spending and local government spending in particular , few of those writing about it have accepted this as a major explanation , partly because the evidence that levels of local government spending are of major significance to the economy are limited , and the arguments that state spending in itself discourages private investment are also weak .
19 The result of this year 's competition was victory for The Lords , with The Winners second , The Stars third , The Dukes fourth , Jackie 's Team fifth , and THE Team sixth .
20 Uncaused motion was nonsense for Aristotle and axiomatic for Newton .
21 Macca on the other hand was captain for Scotland .
22 Z's action for conversion failed : Y Bank was agent for an undisclosed principal , Z Bank , and the defendants were entitled to act on Y's consent .
23 Despite our unsavoury choice of shipmates , our arrival was cause for celebration , and on the very first afternoon we were whisked away from Sinar Surya to stay in the comfort of the sultan 's guesthouse , which was far more impressive than anything we had seen in Makassar .
24 The proctologist was fishing for gossip .
25 His protest that this was the worst kind of Victorian colonialism was short-hand for the conviction that the action had played into the hands of all the enemies of the West .
26 Butler 's shot into an empty net was consolation for an earlier effort that struck the bar .
27 a It was a_________occurrence for him to be away from school .
28 [ In the Court of Appeal Pickin successfully argued that this case was authority for the House of Lords refusing to give effect to a private Act obtained by fraud . ]
29 It 's a concern for the tobacco industry , because right from the days they started targeting women , earlier on in the century , the slogan was reach for a Lucky erm ma , not for a sweet .
30 Even the fact that he , Mallachy , drank regularly in the Wellington Park was cause for comment .
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