Example sentences of "[noun sg] it [was/were] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Well I remember this wedding it was my auntie and she was she was married at Stronsay to a territorial .
2 And so he 'd left London , to come here , hoping to lick the closing wise wound of whatever talent it was he had .
3 Even if it was an illusion it was our best illusion .
4 ‘ I told the lock-keeper it was yours .
5 ‘ Ever since I was a little boy it was my dream to have a tree house , ’ says Mark , 40 , who built it out of materials from his timber yard business .
6 Sam Reed had set up two of the goals and in the second half it was his cross that led to Grant 's second goal .
7 In his dream it was he who was driving home to Nunes from Colchester , not Goblander though , but the car he had now , the Granada .
8 He had gathered her closer in his arms , he was holding her so tightly that she could n't tell whose heartbeat it was she felt throbbing within her bones , his or hers .
9 Granting evils in the slave trade and colonial slavery it was none the less argued that government could more easily influence planters and traders through better regulation than they could control the situation on the West African coast .
10 He used to tell me I was going to fail but I did so much work at home it was my best subject .
11 From 1935 to the Second World War it was their leaders who assumed the office of Prime Minister .
12 During all the long years of the war it was she who kept up the morale of all of us , especially my father , who went through many difficult times .
13 yeah there 's a muse th th there 's a museum at Carne in Normandy , I do n't know if anyone 's been there , we went there last year , and it , it 's a new museum , a memorial museum and that 's the most moving place I 've ever been because it 's actually designed to show how awful war is and that it should n't happen again , it 's not a museum glorifying war , it 's a museum showing that , that it should n't happen , we should n't let it happen and there 's a erm there 's a great big case as you go in which has er a statement from every country that took part in the war , including Germany , and they 're all there , they 're all there together saying that you should n't you should n't let it happen and , and and I , I thought that was the sort o you know i i it was very impressive because i it was n't glorifying anybody , it was n't saying we won the war , you lost the war it was it was a , a coming together to say that it should n't happen .
14 At this moment it was her stomach that mattered .
15 From that moment it was my responsibility .
16 Now you may think the budget was today 's big story , but for the people of one town it was nothing compared to a row over a much-loved local landmark .
17 Thank goodness it was nothing more serious .
18 Liza did not know how she got back to her billet , only that she had bicycled so fast and furiously that , as she flung herself on her bed , she thought , grimly , that if anyone had reason to miscarry at that juncture it was she herself .
19 And so throughout this period it was them er trying importance upon these two goals .
20 The Grammar School in Stockport , however , avoided the extinction which other schools had suffered , for during this turbulent period it was itself in a sort of Limbo .
21 If he had one trait of potential consequence it was his fondness for France , which led him to encourage efforts to ally with that country , but the international situation made these futile during his lifetime .
22 Grimwood it was who had his graphic way with the cherub , turning the classical , familiar , somewhat uninspiring image into the stylised , abstract muse-based beastie you see before you .
23 The greatest composer in the world , if he lacks an interpreter to suit him , is like a man prevented from speaking by a gag ; and this evening it was you who acted as the interpreter to untie the gag , the messenger to carry the good news .
24 coffee shop it was something like
25 poor shop it was it 's just like
26 Lucille 's home was very grandly called a château , though in truth it was nothing more than a large moated farm with a crenellated tower to remind passers-by that the building had once been a small fortress .
27 He was an Englishman , she said , an associate of her father , who 'd come across for years on whatever business it was he did .
28 Yes it was nice we we did lots of entertaining and and things like that it was really good fun it was it was fun .
29 Every day it was something else .
30 but Mrs the other day it was something like two o'clock , Mrs said to her , she went to lunch one till two Mrs oh have you had your lunch ?
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