Example sentences of "[noun sg] it [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If this was the intention it came to nothing , for the title was abolished in 1554 .
2 And er so you see on the wedding er card it had on er , Mr and Mrs Shaw request the pleasure of Mrs Abbott at their daughter 's wedding .
3 She had learnt long ago that Nahum 's chief interest in the Foundling Hospital was the boost it gave to his own ego being on the Board of Governors , a position acquired mainly through the generosity of his brother-in-law , John Bradford , who always supported the charity financially .
4 A third was made with such force it went through her stomach and up to her heart .
5 How on earth could he tell ? she wondered , hunched against the banshee howling that came at her from all directions , hurling rain against her skin with such force it stung like grit .
6 I did n't like the slow speed it moved at .
7 With Sarah Chester 's on the brink of insolvency it occurred to me he might be panicking … ’
8 Sir Lionel Russell , with a view from within the CNAA and the local authorities , said that he had never understood Crosland 's Woolwich speech and why he made it , and had doubts about the concentration in polytechnics because of the disappointment it meant to other colleges .
9 As a result it slipped into a loss of £1.33m in 1988 against a £1.71m taxable profit in 1987 .
10 The damage this did to our criticism was as nothing compared with the harm it did to our poetry .
11 As I took my seat it dawned on me .
12 That programme it came from .
13 In 1985 , the British Psychological Society expressed the opposition it saw between women and good theory , when it claimed , as partial grounds for its refusal of a Psychology of Women Section , that the psychology of women ‘ lacks the necessary [ theoretical and methodological ] coherence to be the basis of a scientific Section of the Society ’ ( Newman 1985 : 2 ) , and questioned whether this subdiscipline had the range which a full Section of the Society requires .
14 With Amantani fresh in my mind it seemed to me that more than the cattle were tethered here .
15 The momentary confusion it caused in their reaction , meant that Satan and Baal missed their swiftly moving target by inches , as they found themselves snapping at empty air in mid-leap .
16 In the gale it sounded like , ‘ Ehh ... oaaah ... aaaack . ’
17 No war is really a wanted war , and Vietnam was no exception , it was an unwanted war , but the US felt obliged to enter into it because of the fear it had of Communism .
18 This is deliberate , an emphatic full close to the story of Athenian growth and the fear it inspired in Sparta .
19 Here was the Labour Party reverting to its old self , a better self , yes , than the monster it became under the demonic spell of Tony Benn ; here was a party responsive once more to its own people , the people it so shamefully betrayed at two successive general elections since 1979 , but a party — as somebody once said of the SDP - ‘ promising a better yesterday ’ .
20 Back form Vienna , he ordered a report on Iran from the state Department it concurred with Khrushchev 's assessment .
21 As she was pouring the tea it occurred to me that maybe she knew Claudia too .
22 As soon as the group became too large to be controlled by a hyper-active Healy rushing around the country to quell the first signs of dissidence it had to be smashed .
23 Among other research it led to a series of studies — mostly carried out in the 1950s and 1960s — of the personalities of very creative people .
24 As she sipped an aperitif it dawned on her that this would be the last social occasion which she and Luke would share , so why not just tread water ?
25 One moment halfway up the straight it looked as if Eddery might have cut it too fine ; the next it was a question of how far he would win by , for this burst of speed was so decisive that it made the top horses in Europe look one-paced .
26 Our survey of Japanese finance ( ‘ Downbeat ’ , December 8th ) included a table purporting to show Japanese banks ' BIS capital-adequacy ratios as at September 1990 , attributed to James Capel and from a study it made in October 1990 .
27 He was talking rather too much , he knew , but her appearance in the dress of silver lame — like some kind of armour remembered from childhood play-acting it looked to his inexperienced eyes — was quite startling and such a contrast to Ianthe 's sober blue wool dress .
28 From the sideline it looked like a rottweiler up against a chihuahua .
29 In practice it led to the ‘ carve-up ’ ( described in more detail in chapter 6 ) , whereby the four big companies ( five , from 1968 ) were guaranteed national access for agreed amounts of their programmes , with the ITA/IBA controlling certain ‘ quality ’ aspects of content and the proportions of programme types ( news , drama , and so on ) .
30 I had never had him down as a kerb-crawler either , but from the state of the car it looked as if it had had a good kicking .
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