Example sentences of "[noun sg] it [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 " The heart and soul of a resource collection is not material at all : it lies in the structure of thought it exhibits , in the creative association it provokes and in the opportunities it provides for training the young learner in how to learn and think . "
2 Most young readers , and I was one of them , were bored by the seeming ponderousness of so much of the narration and probably gave up too soon to grasp the understanding of the American Indian mind it offers and the rapport that can be achieved with an understanding white man , here the legendary ‘ Hawkeye ’ .
3 The relatively cheap and rapid transportation it provided and the elasticity of capacity the companies boasted gave a powerful boost to the mass holiday-making industry .
4 We were in line with the Craven fault it seemed and in an electric storm the tower and all its domestic equipment spat and sizzled like a jumping cracker .
5 Throughout the 1920s filmed melodrama continued to use whatever social setting it required and poverty and urban misery were faithfully reproduced whenever necessary as on occasions were the realities of work in coal-mines , steelworks , and more frequently dockyards .
6 This village is noted for the amount of sun it receives and for its long pebble beach .
7 For , with some qualifications which do not much affect the main point , he suggests that when we give reasons for an ethical statement we are typically making factual claims acceptance of which we hope will cause others to have the attitude it expresses and he distinguishes this sharply from the case where one statement gives some kind of logical or rational support to another .
8 I think the most attractive feature of being a pluralist is the independence it gives and that has certainly been borne out in my experience .
9 I have never been able to remove the inevitable bright yellow stain it produces and neither has any other paper conservator that I know .
10 As they broke bread it spurted and dripped blood , and their mirth was the rattle in a dying man 's throat .
11 Lifts also should have a micro sensitive pad at the bottom which means the lift will cut out and stop the moment it touches or lands on anything .
12 As you know , at the moment it starts and five , but ideally perhaps it could start younger , but obviously there are financial considerations as well .
13 The membership issue now has the profile it deserves and demands at Table , Area and National levels and this must be continued .
14 In the Victorian era it did but it does n't today .
15 The whole joint family is on the scene , bearing the onslaught of British society and groaning with agony as a result groaning on the one hand because of the intense racism and poverty it faces and on the other because of the confusions caused by the irrelevance in Britain of its most valued concepts .
16 She gasped at the exquisite sensation it aroused and tried to snatch her hand from his grasp .
17 The Company will benefit because of the tax it saves and the resulting improvement in earnings in 1993–94 .
18 Narrative obtains and holds the interest of its audience by raising questions in their minds about the process it describes and delaying the answers to these questions .
19 ‘ Normally , I would shoot through anything — but that day it rained and rained and there was nothing to be done about it , ’ Gerald says .
20 Next day it rained and rained …
21 What time of day it rises and sets in the sky depends on the relative erm placing in the in the heavens of the earth and moon and sun .
22 gives me a bad head it do and it upsets me stomach .
23 It was therefore fortunate both in the capitation it received and the extra financial support provided by an active and caring parent body .
24 Indeed if a BBC nationwide survey in 1987 is to be heeded , the CAB can be confident that the public is aware of the service it provides and makes good use of it .
25 This cadaver will call for more extensive ‘ treatment ’ by the embalmer , due partly to the delay it causes and partly because what is perceived by him to be often unwarranted mutilation .
26 The Super Sportster Z had won every race it entered and the shareholders go a good dividend .
27 On one occasion it jammed and made a loud buzzing noise which I hoped I managed to conceal with a loud burst of coughing .
28 One argument states that the Latin American bourgeoisie has never had sufficient capital to promote the economic development it wanted and has , therefore , had to import capital .
29 He moves onto a review he 's just read of his book Eyes To The Hills , considers in detail the argument it follows and expresses frustration that his rigorous intellectual approach has been mistaken for pretension .
30 Once you have used the designer , you can take the code it produces and edit it in the usual way .
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