Example sentences of "[noun sg] to [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Returning from exile to head the newly formed Brazilian Communist Party ( PCB ) , Prestes was imprisoned for nine years in 1935 for leading an unsuccessful uprising against the dictator Getúlio Vargas ( 1930-45 ) and on his release was elected to the Senate with the highest personal vote of any candidate .
2 Several , including Taki , returned from exile to contest the elections .
3 1806 " This Meeting having taken into Consideration the enormous amount of the Bill of Entertainment ( " The Bill at MacTaggart 's £16 " ) , Resolve that the following rules shall be attended to in future , viz. That for each Guest Setting at Table , the Landlord shall allow & produce a half Bottle of wine and a Bottle of Punch — a Bottle of Brandy to the whole Company — with small Beer — that the Landlord shall charge for each Sitting to Dinner a , the rate of 3/- , that the Servants half mutskin of Whisky … "
4 Reviewing the Salon d'Automne , Allard grouped together the work of Metzinger , Le Fauconnier and Gleizes , and , using one of the paintings shown by Metzinger an example , stated : ‘ there is thus being born in opposition to Impressionism an art which instead of copying natural phenomena , offers to the mind of the spectator , in their pictorial entirety , elements that as a result of synthesis are fundamental and timeless ’ .
5 Phone your travel agent to book a night there and the chances are that your request will be met with an equally incredulous silence , before receiving the inevitable , ‘ Where ? ’
6 In a bid to make-up the missing funds Ian has written to more than 350 companies throughout County Durham .
7 He banishes Hippolytus and prays for his death , which is granted when Poseidon sends a sea monster to upturn the young man 's chariot .
8 Now that the season is ended it would be appropriate for your Finance Department to invoice the Regional Council for this sum .
9 I would have like to see some attempt to error-trap the data input routine , but help with record location is good and editing is easy , so reliance on the good sense of the computer operator should be a feasible proposition .
10 A misguided attempt to bombard the Castle with rocks conveyed by magically controlled Wyverns failed spectacularly in 1513 , while demonstrating the accuracy and numbers of the undead archers within the towers of the Castle .
11 Right , and stem the bleeding if you can see where it 's coming from attempt to stem the bleeding , bung the hole up , okay ?
12 This was Watson 's first known attempt to short-circuit the information filters that build up as organisations get larger .
13 Having proved he can hurt everyone , Clinton then has to do the Democrat thing , and attempt to fine-tune the economy .
14 Biya had announced the holding of the elections , originally scheduled to take place in March 1993 , in early September , in a move regarded by many observers as an attempt to wrong-foot the opposition .
15 The Fellows of Magdalen College , Oxford , refused James 's attempt to foist a Catholic President on them in March 1687 ( electing one of their own fellows instead , whom James immediately deposed ) , and when they subsequently refused to accept James 's nomination of Samuel Parker , Bishop of Oxford , the Commission for Ecclesiastical Causes was used to deprive twenty-five of them of their fellowships .
16 Since all four windings in one stack must be excited concurrently it is common practice to interconnect the windings to form one phase .
17 A short-dated loan stock may therefore allow accepting shareholders who wish to take cash in the short term to roll-over a disposal to the new fiscal year and take advantage of the later payment date .
18 The book says if you keep yawing the aircraft from side to side the wheel may release .
19 Ma'am , may I have er pleasure to second the adoption of the accounts ?
20 It gives me the greatest pleasure to second the nomination of Chris as the Honorary Treasurer .
21 Another booklet said that the mental health programme was a Communist-Jewish conspiracy to brain-wash the USA .
22 The 9 others in the dock face a combination of charges ranging from conspiracy to pervert the course of justice to assault .
23 The 9 others in the dock face a combination of charges ranging from conspiracy to pervert the course of justice to assault .
24 It 's great fun going out straight from work to dance the night away or for a hot date .
25 None of the four fields in the ‘ militant ’ group held a ballot ; in all four , the miners were prepared to strike following their local Executive 's call , and to remain on strike , in the great majority of cases , until the return to work a year later .
26 4.33 Similarly , when lost earnings have meant that on return to work the plaintiff is free of tax for a period , having fallen below the level of earnings on which tax is payable , the tax that he has escaped during that period is a compensatory gain that must be taken into account in the assessment of his lost earnings ( Brayson v Wilmot-Breedon [ 1976 ] CLY 682 ) .
27 The probe map can easily be edited manually with a text editor to modifiy the positions of misplaced probes using additional information ( e.g. genetic map ) .
28 Rejecting Tomlinson 's proposal to resite the Royal Brompton and Royal Marsden hospitals at the Charing Cross Hospital in west London .
29 In 1990 , Debbie 's proposal to curate a collection of artwork about childbirth was accepted by A Space , one of Canada 's oldest parallel alternative artist-run centres and arts publications throughout Canada and the U.S.A. A grant from the Canada Council Explorations programme allowed her to choose 40 artists , including some whose work was shipped from the far coasts of Canada Council Explorations programme allowed her to choose 40 artists , including some whose work was shipped from the far coasts of Canada and from scattered points in the U.S.A. Faced with a tremendous volume of committed , powerful work from every discipline , her curatorial decision was to be inclusive rather than exclusive ; to show-case the incredible diversity of personalities , experiences and methods that have been employed to address this long repressed subject matter .
30 Perhaps most important of all , the RHA was not anticipating that there would be any serious opposition to the proposal to rundown the asylums .
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