Example sentences of "[noun sg] of your [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Do n't make the mistake of thinking of your machine 's case as the most important part of the machine just because it is the bit that you see most of !
2 ‘ I can well understand that thinking of your daughter in a stranger 's house is not easy .
3 As well as thinking of your aura , another way of protecting yourself while giving massage , and without blocking that all-important sensitivity , is to become a channel rather than the source of healing energies .
4 I 'm only thinking of your safety .
5 ‘ At my wife 's generous insistence I have not deducted one penny for the week you have spent in bed under our roof , being nursed back to health by the kindness of your mistress 's heart . ’
6 At first I assumed that Lexy 's flowers were just an aberration of your filing system .
7 Most of you here , a great deal of your knowledge probably comes from watching television .
8 It 's a massive work and has obviously taken a great deal of your time and trouble .
9 There is an activity which will take a great deal of your time as a student , which is of crucial importance to your success and which passes with hardly a mention on many courses — we refer , of course , to note-taking .
10 ‘ I 'm afraid I 've taken up a good deal of your time for no purpose Mr. Preston .
11 Heel : Tremendously powerful ; the entire force of your movement is concentrated into the small hard area of your shoe heel .
12 Who do you think was making the audience laugh while you were giving them the full force of your personality ?
13 There is a monthly fee of £1.50 to cover the administration of your Home Management Account .
14 The figures presented in this table are provided by GRE , who are responsible for the administration of your policy and payment of all benefits .
15 Bring fully into the consciousness of your patient that particular lift of his mother 's eyebrows which he learnt to dislike in the nursery and let him think how he dislikes it .
16 Getting the maximum data transfer rate out of a hard disk can increase the perceived speed of your computer enormously .
17 But if you practise it sitting down , your voice 'll be very different , the speed of your voice will be different , and if you do n't practise it out loud you wo n't be able to get any idea of whether it 's going to take three minutes or not .
18 You should have some reasonable figure in here , given the speed of your VAX and the size of the QA activities you expect to be requested .
19 It is essential to have good professional advice , and to review the adequacy of your insurance cover from time to time .
20 If you are in doubt about the adequacy of your diet , need to lose more than 10 pounds ( 4.5kg ) in weight , but are otherwise in good health you are probably well advised to take a low-dose multi-vitamin and multi-mineral supplement .
21 Whether you are a senior executive or an apprentice , whether you work in a city office or a factory , your solicitor can advise you on all the matters mentioned in this leaflet and on many other issues : for example , the consequences of a takeover , merger , or the insolvency of your employer ; part time work and job sharing proposals ; what happens if you are laid off ; deductions from pay ; relocation ; or proposals for changing your terms and conditions of employment .
22 ‘ Perhaps you 'll prove it to this witless fellow who 's been so slow to show his appreciation of your willingness to step into the breach caused by Stella 's illness . ’
23 ‘ If you don , then all I ask is that you show your appreciation of your teacher by supporting her and joining the society in order to help us provide more teachers . ’
24 Offering you the Shell Account Card is a away for us to demonstrate our appreciation of your custom , and our resolve to continue doing our utmost for you in the future .
25 Mockery from others over one 's appearance ; withdrawal of external appreciation of your beauty .
26 ‘ Then you can hardly expect me to show much appreciation of your view of things , can you ? ’
27 Look at the geography of your area .
28 Second , you need to master the geography of your college and learn how long it takes to get to and from various locations .
29 The distress of your loss might make you see things .
30 We will debit amounts withdrawn by use of your Card to whichever of your accounts you select except for any withdrawals made after either ( i ) your right to use your Card has been terminated under Condition 8 or ( ii ) we have received your notification of the loss or theft of your Card under Condition 4 ( provided you are not in breach of these Conditions ) .
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