Example sentences of "[noun sg] of by [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Member States may indeed decide that the employee 's contract shall simply continue with the transferor , but they may equally decide that the employee 's refusal to transfer shall be regarded as a termination of the contract by the employer or , even , that the refusal to transfer is to be treated as a determination of the contract of by the employee ( point 36 ) .
2 The demoralisation generated by the occupation was taken full advantage of by the Communists to establish a socialist republic .
3 But I do not see why its language should not be taken advantage of by an assignee of the lease who desires to sue the original lessor on his covenants in the lease . "
4 A sperm whale , for example , can not see directly fore and aft , a factor made use of by the mariners of old , who quietly crept up upon them from straight astern or dead ahead .
5 It embraces the remains of a mediaeval well and has been made most aesthetic use of by the present owners of the manor as an interesting garden feature where flowering colours splash against the solid , more sombre stonework .
6 At some stage a funding body has assessed the potential worth of a project , and research grants have been made available for it , but the lack of incentive to publish , or the difficulties encountered in preparing work for publication , have resulted in the fact that two-fifths of the work has not been made use of by the scientific community , except possibly through consultations of the original theses , ( which will be discussed in Chapter 4 ) .
7 At some stage a funding body has assessed the potential worth of a project , and research grants have been made available for it , but the lack of incentive to publish , or the difficulties encountered in preparing work for publication , have resulted in the fact that two-fifths of the work has not been made use of by the scientific community , except possibly through consultations of the original theses , ( which will be discussed in Chapter 4 ) .
8 Rhythm is taken care of by a Tube Works preamp and VHT power amp .
9 Sound Quality The synthesis of musical sounds is taken care of by a Yamaha sound chipset capable of stereo output with bass and treble equalisation .
10 He announced his credo unashamedly in his first editorial : ‘ We believe we are filling a publishing need only slightly less important than the one just taken care of by the Kinsey Report . ’
11 The restriction of world trade and output , inflation , feather-bedding of inefficiency , retaliation : all these standard objections would allegedly be taken care of by the proposed system .
12 The interest of creditors and contractual partners is taken care of by the imposition of a statutory minimum of registered capital .
13 Video duties were taken care of by the respected Paradise Windows accelerator card , featuring the speedy WD90C31 accelerator chip .
14 The upgrade is normally taken care of by the Upgrade Centre itself , but Mike Murphy , MD at the centre , told Practical PC that he 's quite happy for a dealer to do the upgrade for a client , by acting as a sort of middle man .
15 This in turn proves to be an attraction to many destitute persons abroad , who feel that if they apply for refugee status in a Western country , they will be taken care of by the social welfare system of that country for a year or two , or even longer , while their claims are being examined . ’
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