Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [indef pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There was no board outside proclaiming it to be a guest house , or hotel , so if it was n't , and they only took in private guests , or friends , she could hardly go dumping herself on them just on the recommendation of someone called Annie , could she ?
2 Chemically-induced potentiation usually occludes with tetanically-induced LTP ( that is , saturation of one prevents induction of the other ) , suggesting a convergence of mechanisms ; in general , chemically induced LTP is not blocked by NMDA antagonists , presumably because the components of the LTP cascade activated by the various agents lie downstream from the NMDA receptor .
3 Perhaps Caroline did n't actually have a business manager , but had found that the mention of one proved effective .
4 An attempt had been made to sell this document to a Sunday newspaper , and Ashdown had secured a " gagging " injunction preventing mention of anything to do with the matter .
5 It had n't been a busy day in London town , but there was no mention of anybody falling through windows in Leytonstone .
6 Again , in order to preserve the assumption of relevance , an inference must be made about who is to do what : since the last mention of someone doing something involved B going to A , that is presumably what A intends , and may thus be taken to have meant .
7 Nor will confessions obtained as a result of anything said or done which was likely to render them unreliable , be admissible , unless the prosecution can prove that they were not obtained in this way .
8 Police estimate that a large proportion of these crimes are a direct result of someone giving the criminal an open invitation — leaving a door unlocked or a window open .
9 What is conjured is the apparition of someone falling apart before your eyes .
10 As a gentle reminder that women play , watch and have served cricket , Dr Andrew has included an old photograph of one holding a bat .
11 They produced a file which they said was his and took out of it an indistinct , green photograph of someone carrying a parcel .
12 He also had , as J. J. Thomson remarked , the temperament of the explorer rather than the cool , logical mind of one determined to test a definite theory .
13 Considerable interest and debate surrounded his exhibitions at the ICA ( see The Art Newspaper No.13 , December 1991 , p.9 ) and the Saatchi Collection ( see The Art Newspaper No.16 , March 1992 , p.7 ) , where he installed ‘ The impossibility of death in the mind of someone living ’ , a fourteen-foot tiger shark suspended in formaldehyde solution in a steel and glass tank , and seven other sculptures .
14 THE LAST thing likely to cross the mind of someone woken by a yapping dog in the middle of the night is the question why do dogs bark when wolves rarely do .
15 And what about Dieter Erdle — could he possibly also represent a threat in the mind of someone suffering that kind of delusion ?
16 And while her eyes went wide at the importance of that statement to the literary world , ‘ It was with no small degree of relief , ’ he continued , ‘ that I personally took my work to my publishers in Prague and , that done , resolved that apart from day-to-day correspondence I would have a whole month off — perhaps longer — and free my mind of anything connected with work .
17 ‘ We must do something about this exhibition , ’ Jay said , with the very English concentration of one commenting on the vagaries of the weather .
18 No , it was , above all , the very conduct of the campaign itself that made it such a sickening mockery of anything approximating democracy .
19 James was terrified of witchcraft and became a ruthless persecutor of anyone suspected of it .
20 And if we draw a line it 's the analogy of someone pedalling on a bicycle , if you reach thirty five and you 're going up on a bicycle like that it 's reasonably steep but not too steep , you can cope with that on a regular basis .
21 If only I were capable of taking over Swift myself , but I 'm not , I never was , I never will be — I just could n't face it , all the pressure , the ruthless cut-throat ambition of everyone trying to stab me in the back and take my place …
22 The others keened themselves for any sound , for any indication of anyone responding to Silk 's movement — the clink of a grenade pin , the withering blast of a machine gun .
23 At her approach he rose composedly and , with all the aplomb of someone trained from birth to deal with parish callers , said , ‘ You 'll want to see mama .
24 Even today there will be readers who will be glad to know of a formula for dealing with a salmon or a piece of one received as a present , too big to be consumed immediately and likely to prove wearisome if eaten cold day after day .
25 The queue , with whom he was a great favourite , set to work to defrost his outer clothing while we from inside sent out a nip of something warming for the inner man .
26 I 'm too busy trying to make a tape of someone mowing the lawn who is also trying to watch the Cup Final , who is trying to get the rest of the family to shut up .
27 Monitor evaluator to actually check and to give you the pessimistic side of everything to break everything down why it wo n't work why this should be done why that should be done instead .
28 She was consoled , too , to have them in her house where they made an uncommon amount of noise and were certainly not easy guests but their beaming countenances and determination to look on the bright side of everything lightened the atmosphere immensely .
29 On the contrary , it was precisely the excessive femininity , laid on with a trowel as it were , that created the effect of someone pretending to be a woman , someone in fact rather desperately hoping to be taken for one .
30 Maybe it was nothing more than the statistical impossibility of everyone staying home all of the time .
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