Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] the " in BNC.

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31 His parents believe the intensive programme of treatment the clinic offers may open the door on a new life .
32 His parents believe the intensive programme of treatment the clinic offers may open the door on a new life .
33 As part of a complex programme of development the Foxton scheme only makes sense if other parts of the programme were being tackled ; few of them were started .
34 A questionnaire had been circulated earlier in the year , and from that the steering committee had outlined ‘ valuable feedback ’ , indicating the sort of programme of events the branch needed .
35 Well that 's it , that , that 's a very good starting point because one point that Freud er makes in the book and Andrea er alluded to but is , is very important in fact he calls it , there 's a little sub-section of the book called the Analogy and this is the erm analogy that Freud is gon na use for his study of Moseism the analogy he gives , er can you remember it Andrea ?
36 While crime is frequently a major area of the study of deviance the relationship between the two needs to be made clear .
37 Thus in the theoretical study of language the deference previously accorded to analysis and explanation by the informed observer has been questioned in favour of an uncommitted approach to enquiry , without preconception and without privilege , into the ways in which participants negotiate their own conditions for achieving their purposes .
38 Her husband the earl was brother-in-law of Edward the Confessor and William the Conqueror 's cousin .
39 His real name was Ahmad Osman but he looked exactly like the mummy of Ramses the Great in the Cairo Museum .
40 From a wizened dried up body which was buried in the sand some 5000 years ago to the amazing unwrapped mummy of Ramses the Great , one of the most famous Egyptian pharaohs , Mummies and Magic has recreated and brought together for the first time in one exhibition , some of the most important Royal Mummies and funerary treasures .
41 And as each man died , old Mokosh dragged him down by his feet into the swamp , so that without a stroke of battle the whole army vanished .
42 In the Norfolk manor of Forncett the policy of leasing the demesne was adopted between 1358 and 1373 , but on some of the Percy lands the practice did not appear till later .
43 Amongst the offices listed are the stewardship of the Chiltern Hundreds and that of bailiff of the Manor of Northstead the existence of which is nominal only but ‘ appointment' ’ of a Member of Parliament to which is the traditional manner of resigning a seat .
44 I can not forget the visits I paid to Norwich and sat quietly in the reconstructed cell of Julian the hermitess of Norwich , meditating on the Sixteen Shewings of Divine Love which she received in May 1373 .
45 Circumstances had greatly changed : the Elector Palatine had become also Elector of Bavaria the previous year , and had removed himself and his court — including the orchestra and singers , the Weber family too — to Munich .
46 Though I do not desire to stray into fields where others here are expert , I must point out that according to the first chapter of Genesis the world was so constituted from the beginning that good and evil were created together in it , and also that the knowledge of them existed before mankind .
47 In the story of the Fall in the third chapter of Genesis the destroyer of Man 's primeval innocence is also depicted as a serpent .
48 In an address to the Chapter of Wells the new Bishop made the vow which was to cause him so much trouble later : ‘ In all solemnity to teach and inculcate allegiance' to the new King ‘ both in our discourse and in our example to all your subjects under our care ’ .
49 " In the name of God be it Amen , the xxthe day of the Monthe of Marche the yere of our Lorde after thaccompt of the Churche of Englond Mcccclxxxvijth and the iijde yere of the Reigne of King Henry the Vijth …
50 The supporters do not consistently play some of the Club 's best players out of position to accommodate players so far past their sell-by date that if they were a tin of fish paste there 's be an outbreak of salmonella the length and breadth of Mersey Street !
51 A month after the outbreak of war the Bishop of Durham , A. T. P. Williams , wrote in his lovely handwriting a letter sounding Ramsey whether he would become the professor of divinity at the university of Durham .
52 Systematic collections were made from peers and from the City ; by the outbreak of war the invested funds amounted to $671,000 — twice the sum in 1911 and worth four years " expenditure — and there was a special cash deposit of £120,000 for the coming election .
53 Within a week of the outbreak of war the co-operation of the National Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union was sought over the manning of merchant vessels requisitioned or chartered by the Admiralty and an agreement arrived at jointly with the Board of Trade .
54 On the outbreak of war the Iraqi army , including recalled reservists , numbered some 955,000 , of whom 620,000 were estimated to be committed to the Kuwaiti theatre of operations ( however , post-war evaluation called seriously into question initial Western intelligence estimates and it was suggested that the figure was nearer 300,000 ) .
55 Just before the outbreak of war the British diplomatic and consular services numbered only 446 in all , and of these fewer than 150 were career diplomats .
56 With the outbreak of war the ILP put itself in opposition to the trade-union leaders by its refusal to support the war and by its criticism of those Labour Party members who either joined the government after 1916 or gave it their loyal parliamentary support .
57 On the outbreak of war the original components of the Peace Alliance and the Unity Campaign scattered in different directions .
58 Immediately with a great flutter of wings the pigeons rose into the air and circled above the terrace .
59 The ability of the intestine to exchange fluids and nutrients is grossly reduced , and with the onset of diarrhoea the lamb rapidly becomes dehydrated .
60 Two years after the onset of symptoms the patient was still unable to return to work .
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