Example sentences of "[noun sg] and made [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 He stumbled into the blackness and made his way to the wreckage , where Miller was meant to have found out the location of the Home Guard HQ .
2 With a last dissatisfied glance in the mirror , she left the bedroom and made her way downstairs , vaguely wondering why she did n't feel light of heart .
3 He joined us from a Derbyshire side near his native Tibshelf and made his Southern League debut at Bristol Rovers oh 7 December — and what a debut it turned out to be !
4 Still clutching her champagne glass , she hurried from the terrace and made her way along a path through the garden towards the sea .
5 But whenever she passed the wood the tales rushed back into her mind and made her blood run cold .
6 He and Cranston were still arguing rival theories when they reached Aldgate long after dark and made their way through a small postern door in the city gate .
7 The great epidemic of plague of 1665 expanded his medical practice and made his name .
8 Husband Charles , 43 , was upset when Di picked a foreign car and made her pay for it herself .
9 The driver looked on sentimentally as she alighted from the car and made her way down the path .
10 Refusing the invitation to go in for coffee , Fran hurried back to the car and drove across town , only slowing when she turned in through the gates of the college and made her way along the rutted gravel path to pull up in front of the old sandstone building next to Luke 's car .
11 The injured man fainted but when he came round he managed to dislodge his hand from the fence and made his way home with the blade still stuck in the wound .
12 We hid our disgust and made our way up to the main door where the ever-benevolent Doctor Agrippa was waiting for us .
13 So they followed their cousins in the car industry and made their buildings with built-in obsolescence .
14 Mr Bell , schoolmaster at the time of the flood , described the scene : ‘ The water forced its way across the Nook and made its way down Back Street .
15 Then he picked up his torch , switched off the bedside light and made his way down-stairs treading warily and keeping close to the wall to avoid the creaking treads .
16 I clambered over the wall and dropped on the other side and made my way quickly across the field in the direction of the cottage .
17 She broke away before he could get a stranglehold and made her way to the podium , hitching up her dress and putting on her very best smile for the tridvid sages .
18 The RIBA/ARCUK Joint Visiting Panel took over the task of visiting UK schools of architecture in October at the beginning of the 1992–3 academic session and made its first visit to the University of East London .
19 Offering up a quick prayer that she would n't bump into any of the other cast members en route , she slipped into the corridor and made her way to Dane 's room , pausing at his door to steel herself as another onrush of nerves all but paralysed her .
20 After eight years practising and perfecting he sent off for a plan and made his own Appalachian dulcimer — and it was better than the one he was given .
21 He brushed down his hair and straightened his clothing and made his way down the narrow stairs towards the street .
22 In 1948 he moved to the ancient house of Daneway , near Sapperton , where he ground his own flour , baked his own bread and made his own paper on which to print his poems on his own press .
23 It has sandblasted 100 years of black soot off Leeds ' fine civic buildings to reveal the pale sandstone underneath , turned much of the city centre into a traffic-free pedestrian zone and made their old manufacturing mills into museums .
24 Bregawn swept over the third fence from home and made his way into the straight , Pursued by Captain John ( who had lost ground when blundering at the third last ) , Wayward Lad and Silver Buck .
25 She was a very pretty girl and made her presence felt almost at once .
26 As though the heat of the liquid burning her lips reminded her where she was , she looked away from the cat 's cradle and made her eyes focus on her guest .
27 What do you say to the fathers , and I have had dozens from up and down the country contacting me , what do you say to the fathers like that chap over there in th in the front row , who has handed over sometimes tens of thousands of pounds , he 's done his bit , he 's had it rubber stamped by the court , he 's gone ahead in good faith and made his his his future , and then the Child Support Agency comes along and just without so much as a by your leave pulls the rug .
28 The astonishing garment was made of some smooth material in a mixture of very dark greens and blues which flattered her blonde hair and made her slate-coloured eyes even more ravishing than usual .
29 The sun picked the deep brown tints out of her hair and made her skin like honey .
30 He loved scandal and intrigue and made his contribution in low , conspiratorial tones .
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