Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [vb past] from " in BNC.

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1 The second had primary biliary cirrhosis and died from a variceal bleed while under review .
2 Just look at the success that German Shepherd breeders had when they methodically examined their breeding stock and bred from those with the best hips .
3 When he did n't answer , she rose from her seat and walked from the room , giving the door a satisfying slam as she closed it .
4 And that was how I came to join the Western Mail and stayed from 1958 to 61 , during which time the ownership changed from Kemsleys to Thomsons .
5 In this , she was encouraged by Shelley Saxon , a former manager with Honey Perriam , who had set up a consultancy practice and worked from an office in the same building .
6 So I abandoned my car and watched from a pedestrian walkway high above Charing Cross .
7 He was found lying on the pavement outside the university 's New College and died from massive head injuries en route to the city 's John Radcliffe Hospital .
8 I could therefore possess myself of my nephew by force if — ’ he paused for full effect and looked from one to another of the councillors ‘ — if , as Lord High Protector , I elected so to do . ’
9 Unfortunately , it used a back entrance to the den and disappeared from view .
10 The chains took up the slack and emerged from the river , long dripping lines of rusty tension , bound to the circular ship with its two little funnels .
11 She picked up her skirt and fled from the hospital before letting herself think what James 's absence meant .
12 She moved slightly to one side and slipped from under Fred 's arm .
13 He placed his unfinished cigar in the ash tray and rose from the table , leaving his brandy untouched .
14 Yorick himself had an attack of stage-fright and emerged from his dressing-room half an hour behind schedule .
15 After that I put in another fast lap and coasted from there on . ’
16 Leathart had interests in lead mining and came from the well-known mining town of Alston , in the Northern Pennines .
17 The government had divided the country into twelve divisions , circulated Circular 636 in November indicating the responsibilities of local authorities , passed a Preservation of Public Order Act and received from the Home Secretary , in February 1926 , the statement that ‘ little remained to be done before the actual occurrence of an emergency . ’
18 Then she gathered up her scattered clothing and stole from the room .
19 Despite a general rise in attendances , several clubs were on the verge of bankruptcy and limped from one financial problem to another playing in front of miniscule crowds often in grounds designed to suit manic-depressives from the dark ages .
20 Arafat claimed that four people had been killed and 231 injured in the town by Israeli forces " as a result of the erroneous announcement that the driver of the bus carrying Israeli tourists in Egypt was of Palestinian origin and came from Rafah " .
21 First half loss before tax fell from £88m to £39m at Guardian Royal Exchange and fell from £114.1m to £97.9m at Sun Alliance .
22 Then , they climbed slowly up the wooden steps to the promenade and disappeared from sight .
23 Indeed , in the House of Commons and even in his highly expert use of the new medium of broadcasting , he often eschewed a manuscript and spoke from relatively sketchy notes .
24 We returned to the studio after lunch and worked from two to four on another pose .
25 He decided to wait , watching as the driver switched off the engine and slid from behind the wheel .
26 When the doctor had gone , he opened the top drawer of his desk and took from it the contents of Charlie Hatton 's pockets .
27 The pursuers , having had no response to their requests for payment , treated the defenders ' failure in payment as discharging the contract and withdrew from the site , leaving the installation in an uncompleted state .
28 Information they gathered was sent back to platoon headquarters by runner and radioed from the village to Company headquarters .
29 Leaning forward , his body stiffened suddenly as the bright orange float took a dive and disappeared from view .
30 For example , they looked in detail at each major recession and argued from their observations that the money supply declined for reasons other than the recession itself and that the fall in money national income generally followed the fall in the money supply .
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