Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [vb mod] take " in BNC.

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1 The headquarters ' engineers want to develop an electric version of the HST , which will involve considerable redesign and could take several years to complete .
2 The same I 'm afraid applies to the two competitors from our region , Sarah Niklin and Nina Holloway have n't made the cut and will take no further part in the tournament .
3 A managerial agency — any managerial agency , be it psychological or otherwise — can not cope easily with contradictory demands and impulses if it is responsible for a choice of action and must take into account the limitations of the real world .
4 As coding with the Read codes can be more detailed than with other codes it will be more prone to error and may take longer .
5 The system has a 20,000-word vocabulary and can take dictation at 70 words per minute with 97% accuracy , once it has been trained to a user 's pronunciation .
6 The system has a 20,000-word vocabulary and can take dictation at 70 words per minute with 97% accuracy , once it has been trained to a user 's pronunciation .
7 She had been a fool to let Muriel choose a place to have lunch and would take good care that it did not happen again .
8 The tables were on a fixed budget and should take a fortnight .
9 A space audit need not be restricted to simply shuffling people around a building and could take in aspects such as energy , said .
10 A slight burn can cause a pale pink colour which may appear between 6–24 hours after exposure and can take 1–3 days to disappear , but may not cause peeling .
11 Her ankle needed support and could take a bandage now , he said .
12 If one of the two states should become the target of aggression , then the other side will give the aggressor no military aid or other support and will take all measures to end the conflict using the principles and procedures of the United Nations and other structures of collective security .
13 The resulting structure from an ATN is dependent on the grammar writer and can take many forms .
14 One scheme was to transfer his legal estate to a relative or friend who was staying behind , who could look after it and administer it until he returned , or who , should the knight die abroad , could take care of it until the knight 's son reached his majority and could take it over himself .
15 There is always a point at which the limitation of science , albeit forever progressing , introduces the need to make an unproved assumption about the mystery of life , and it is at this point that a religion becomes a necessity and must take over .
16 At Level Three students will identify personal development goals they wish to acquire through residential experience and will take responsibility , along with other group members for the planning , organising and implementation of a residential experience .
17 The problems of one particularly sick savings and loan , Lincoln Federal , has already cost the head of the Federal Home Loans Bank , his job and could take some senior elected officials , including Democratic Senator Alan Cranston down , too .
18 The Agency is to be established within the Department of Social Security and will take responsibility for all aspects of child support , leaving spouse support , property settlements and issues of custody and access within the jurisdiction of the courts .
19 A walk to the Hadi Gari Bar down by the harbour will take you right through the hustle and bustle of the narrow streets of the old town and can take as little as five minutes , although you 'll be hard pressed not to be distracted by the jewellery , leather and clothes offered by street vendors at every corner .
20 He or she , will have extensive experience of small business counselling and will take an active part in helping you clarify your ideas and prepare your application form .
21 Beatrice , too , drank ; she had no doubt learnt a few tricks from her ex-pugilist husband and could take care of herself spiritedly .
22 It has integrated SCSI and Ethernet controllers , takes up to 64Mb memory and up to 1Gb of internal disk and can take up to seven SCSI devices .
23 It has integrated SCSI and Ethernet controllers , takes up to 64Mb memory and up to 1Gb of internal disk and can take up to seven SCSI devices .
24 erm In principle it should be possible to be able to speak into a microphone , or to write on a pad , with a pencil , and the computer would be connected to the microphone or the pad and would take in and interpret what you 've done , without having to learn this rather clumsy method of putting things in one letter at a time .
25 In Committee the Minister said that the Secretary of State will see clearly from the disposal programme whether pension arrangements are a key factor and will take that into account before he makes a decision .
26 I assure hon. Members that we readily acknowledge the strength of feeling about that aspect of Sunday trading and will take it fully into account when we draw up proposals for the reform of the law .
27 ( 1 ) The sealing of committal orders should have the highest priority and should take place preferably on the day of committal and certainly as soon as practicable thereafter .
28 The time it takes to receive local land charge search results varies greatly depending upon the particular local authority and can take between one and four weeks to obtain .
29 It is an independent statutory body , which can give you advice and may take up your enquiry with Royal Mail Parcelforce .
30 It is an independent statutory body , which can give you advice and may take up your enquiry with Royal Mail .
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