Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Doddie Weir still has a lot to learn about No 8 play when it comes to back-row moves , witness the occasion against England when he picked up against the wheel and still tried to complete the move .
2 Mark on parallel lines with the pastry wheel and then use it to wrap round the sides of the cake .
3 ( It is open to a district to decide whether it wishes to be a borough and so enjoy the dignity of having a mayor . )
4 The Methodists preach religion and so does the Church of England . ’
5 The word spiritual has become for many fundamentally dissociated from religion and so serves to encourage an alternative , one that is more attractive because lacking both definition and the incubus associated with religion .
6 In other words , they created a self-image and then sold it to the greater powers of western Europe ; and whatever their reaction , be it incredulous , admiring or contemptuous , these powers now found it impossible to ignore the Scots ' insistent demands that they should be noticed .
7 Lenin was willing to make concessions , but not on the centralized unity of the party — ‘ we must not weaken the force of our offensive by breaking into numerous independent political parties ; we must not introduce estrangement and isolation and then have to heal an artificially implanted disease with the aid of these notorious ‘ federal ’ , plasters ’ .
8 We can test this theory by using matrix isolation and then employing standard techniques such as in the study of stable molecules .
9 Research stressed political and administrative factors in isolation and never succeeded in analysing the way local politics are linked to wider social and economic processes .
10 To do that you need to add limestone which then converts into er calcium oxide in the heat of the blast furnace and then reacts with the sand to form slag .
11 Can farmers cut spraying and still make a living ?
12 ’ I must repeat my warning that the South Wales Constabulary can not be treated like a sponge and continually expected to absorb an ever-increasing workload without an inevitable decline in the quality of the service we provide ’ .
13 I paint the main tree using a slightly stronger mix using a sponge and then paint in the finer detail with a brush .
14 A lock of hair had worked itself loose in his wig and now hung over his forehead .
15 Gone was the flimsily dressed groupie with the ever-rolling joint , and in her place was a homemaker — a ‘ ballabosty ’ — in an elegant wig and demurely covering blouse and skirt , baking Chollah bread , making theme cakes , studying the Torah and , most amazing of all , performing the near-sacred duty of washing the dead .
16 But , if we had a feasible solution with d k , e k > 0 , we could reduce d k and e k by equal amounts without affecting feasibility and thus reduce the objective function , since w k > 0 .
17 More surprising , to me , about the present sorry situation , is how the old regimes managed to get away for so long with presiding over such a ragbag and still getting all that advertising !
18 The scheme is said to have the backing of the Royal Warrant Holders ' Association and not to need permission from the Palace .
19 Mr Dale , further and higher education secretary of the Educational Institute of Scotland , of which the ULA is part , declared : ‘ The principal has now seen fit to circulate our members with three publications , impugning my personal conduct and integrity , falsely representing the views of our association and grossly exaggerating the consequences of our action .
20 Those who could not escape put in a token appearance , showing themselves before the delegates from their local constituency association and then scuttling off on the first train back to civilization .
21 This leaflet is designed to tell you about the Association and how to join .
22 They should be decided in the context of the firm 's overall strategic thinking and not left to be resolved ad hoc .
23 This , in turn , can be traced to ageist values within society generally , which permeate social and political thinking and thereby influence the extent to which older people as a group are viewed as less important , less in need , or just less interesting than other groups of people ( e.g. Hughes and Mtezuka , 1992 ) .
24 Sound judgement , clear , logical thinking and highly developed analytical skills will allow you to provide effective economic intelligence , and you will compound the ability to think conceptually by translating complex issues into business realities .
25 Thus , McConaghy and his colleagues carried out a series of experiments on what they call ‘ allusive thinking ’ , a concept similar to overinclusive thinking and actually measured by them with a clinical , thought disorder test .
26 On the other hand , if you have lost your partner and like two branches of a tree , you had grown together in kindness and only lived for each other through thick and thin , then talk inwardly to your partner .
27 They meet , they chat , they find they have something in common which is their grief and eventually love blossoms .
28 He was , by one account , " shattered by grief and almost despair " after Vivien 's death and , if it had not been for John Hayward 's help and encouragement , would have retired into complete seclusion .
29 Amongst the many excellent and well researched books that have been written on the subject of bereavement the following are outstanding in their capacity to help those who have suffered a major loss : Grief and how to live with it by Sarah Morris ( published in 1971 by George Allen and Unwin ) ; A grief observed by C. S. Lewis ( published in 1961 by Faber and Faber ) — of particular interest to widowers — and Bereavement .
30 The forward and backwards pruning points define the limits of left and right context for a system .
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