Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 The second had primary biliary cirrhosis and died from a variceal bleed while under review .
2 The Branch Clubs have continued to receive the support of the Committee of Registered Clubs Association and to benefit from the work of the All Party Parliamentary Committee for Non-Profit Making Members Clubs .
3 At the Nez Perce camp on Weippe prairie , and later in the Clearwater valley , the expedition met only kindness and help from the Nez Perce .
4 Just look at the success that German Shepherd breeders had when they methodically examined their breeding stock and bred from those with the best hips .
5 ‘ Have to leave the jeep and walk from here on . ’
6 It has been suggested that this linear design process should be replaced by a cyclical process , whereby at each stage of development of the system there would be opportunity for feedback and influence from the users and their representatives .
7 There entrepreneurs identified the existence of a seller 's market just waiting to be developed , and created their own demand , which gathered its own momentum and benefited from a snowball effect .
8 She had a mince pie with her tea , then went to her bedroom and changed from her shop uniform of a black alpaca dress and white apron into a grey jersey-wool dress , then she went downstairs again .
9 The darkness of the beginning of the poem is suddenly illuminated to a ‘ low stream-line brightness ’ towards the end when she picks up speed and moves from a misty , black and yet dignified depression to a kind of elation .
10 Other noises do infiltrate the cabin — the wind , the odd bump and thump from the suspension , and the constant rattle and clunk from the cabin fittings .
11 When he did n't answer , she rose from her seat and walked from the room , giving the door a satisfying slam as she closed it .
12 She felt like jumping from her seat and running from the room .
13 Despite a good deal of organized opposition and intrigue from Mozart 's enemies in court circles , of whom the ringleader was probably Antonio Salieri , Figaro was first performed in the Burgtheater on 1 May , 1786 .
14 And that was how I came to join the Western Mail and stayed from 1958 to 61 , during which time the ownership changed from Kemsleys to Thomsons .
15 In use as a hospital until 1965 , in 1977 it was declared an historic monument and saved from demolition .
16 She can not stand conflict : it relives all those half-remembered feelings of fear and dread from years back .
17 There are a few people who develop sores or cracked skin at the corner of the mouth and suffer from riboflavin or vitamin B2 deficiency .
18 He saw Sir John set his mouth and glare from beneath bushy grey eyebrows .
19 And one day there will be a case , one which even you will believe , of a sailor lost in a whale 's mouth and recovered from its belly ; maybe not after half a day , perhaps after only half an hour .
20 Through word of mouth and demand from customers , they 've built up a sizable business with five drivers .
21 It serves as the rural outreach programme for the Community Health Department and operates from within the premises of Tintswalo Hospital in the N.E. Transvaal .
22 And at 6.15 Miss Danziger entered the drawing-room , where at least eighteen of the guests were gathered drinking tea and eating from a selection of Danish pastries and pies , and talking with unusual excitement .
23 The beaches are wide and filled with interesting flotsam and jetsam from shells and seaweed to bits of broken fish boxes .
24 Organising big gigs like Loch Lomond and Murrayfield would add more worries to the existing day to day running of a band , but Marlene takes it all in her stride and escapes from it by going to Skye where she ‘ gets away from the phones ! ’
25 Hunter suffered emotionally from the opposite : an almost obsessive urging and prompting from his parents , in particular his father , to do well at school and the promise of a physical beating in the event of failure .
26 Dr Chris Wells , director of one of Europe 's largest pain clinics at Liverpool 's Walton Centre for Neurology and Neurosurgery , says many people lie down in the dark and withdraw from circulation when they have a bad headache .
27 But do n't expect your fellow students to constitute a representative cross-section of the community at large — if only because they contain an above-average proportion of younger people and others who are most able to sustain continuous study and to benefit from college education .
28 respect confidential information obtained in the course of professional practice and refrain from disclosing such information without the consent of the patient/client or a person entitled to act on his/her behalf except where disclosure is required by law or by order of a court , or is necessary in the public interest .
29 Recognising that the NHS is much more fragmented than a large company , it would be highly desirable to bring human resource professionals and senior managers together across London to think through how to share best practice and learn from one another as the changes unfold .
30 In this , she was encouraged by Shelley Saxon , a former manager with Honey Perriam , who had set up a consultancy practice and worked from an office in the same building .
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