Example sentences of "[noun sg] the [noun sg] give " in BNC.

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1 In an almost throw-away sentence the book gives one of the highest figures for the number of those whom Stalin killed or imprisoned during collectivisation and the purges : ‘ According to preliminary estimates , the total number of victims of the repressions was around 40 million . ’
2 In this case the court gave a further reason why the false statement was not caught by section 14 , namely that it related to the price at which the goods were offered for supply and section 14 did not cover false statements about prices .
3 At the opposite extreme of m = 1 , the half-section is half of a constant-k T-section and equation ( 9.66 ) shows that in this case the load gives rise to input impedance , the characteristic impedance of the corresponding Π-section .
4 ‘ The only direction the Government gives is that BR should operate their passenger railway system so as to provide a public service which is comparable generally with that operated at April 1 1988 , ’ he wrote .
5 At the trial the mother gave evidence that when the forceps were applied she was lifted off the bed .
6 In addition the king gave £1,000 for the liberation of prisoners confined for small debts in Scotland , and another £1,000 for those in Ireland .
7 In addition the book gives guidance on special situations , for example people receiving gratuities , temporary visitors to the UK , hire purchase transactions and sub-contractors .
8 What impressed me most was the support the boot gave — almost like a ski boot but with no compromise of movement or sensation of cramping .
9 The look the doctor gave Patrick showed that he realised what lay behind the question .
10 Amid all this sylvan glory the notice giving the dentist 's working hours struck a discordant note .
11 This leaflet is not an authoritative interpretation of the law , but is intended to help self-employed people to understand their duties and obligations and also to advise them of the protection the Order gives to them .
12 This leaflet is not an authoritative interpretation of the law , but is intended to help employed people to understand their duties and obligations and also to advise them of the protection the Order gives to them .
13 We have already seen that the first question has usually been answered by emphasizing either the primary value of the protection the group gives to individuals from predators or the value of gregariousness in relation to finding food .
14 The killing is repeated on ritual occasions , perhaps at first because the protection the totem gives them is not enough , or because they need to band together again to re-enact the crime which binds them all together , although they use a surrogate for the crime , not the actual father again .
15 Keep the money the customer gives you on the till shelf ( DO NOT put the money straight into the till ) .
16 There is also the case for state financing , which is the position of the Party but for the foreseeable future the Labour Party will need trades union money , and as Steve said even our fiercest critics have to admit that the money the union gives to the Party is open and above board and that 's more than can be said of the money that 's used to finance the Conservative Party .
17 Later , after returning home , in bed with his wife , the merchant taxes her about not having told him the monk had given her the money ; she claims that she thought the money the monk gave her was gift , and that she has already used it to buy clothing ; she will pay , she says , her debts to her husband in bed .
18 The problem of motivation may be due to the lack of self-esteem and self-actualisation the job gives the employee .
19 Despite the cook and the housemaid the house gave the impression of being unloved .
20 Evidently , this was insufficient to resolve the controversy , as witness the account given in 1929 in the Report of the Royal Commission on Police Powers and Procedure ( 1929 ) ( Cmd. 3297 ) , paras .
21 Even today , decades after I saw my first such microscope slide , I still think them extravagantly beautiful and can easily get lost in contemplation of the cellular thicket the microscope reveals , made the more intriguing by the curious , almost three-dimensional effect the stain gives ; as it brings into vision only a few of the total population of the neurons present , the cells seem to stand out like trees in a winter mist ( Figure 10.6 ) .
22 Furthermore , with immediate effect the resolution gave the President additional powers permitting him to take unspecified " emergency measures " anywhere in the Soviet Union where " life , health or property " were threatened .
23 He was a little surprised at how much pleasure the prospect gave him ; the sense of frustration and failure which had dogged him when he first arrived in England had disappeared almost without his realizing it and he had become enormously restive .
24 He states : ‘ What Hale is saying is that for the purpose of the law of rape the consent given at the time of the marriage ceremony can not in law be revoked . ’
25 On marriage the husband gives the wife a plot of land , on which she grows cash crops .
26 In return the borrower gave
27 This structural link between politics and religion is underlined by the legitimacy the church gives to the state as a whole , by recognizing it simply as society .
28 At common law the assignment gives the purchaser a right against the vendor but not an independent right of action against the debtor or supplier .
29 It was n't just the smells of dug earth and the friendly shapes of garden implements which she associated with him ; it was the sense of escape the place gave her .
30 In 1575 in this Town Hall the text giving freedom of worship to both Protestants and Catholics , the so-called Czech Confession ( see p. 9 ) was drawn up .
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