Example sentences of "[noun sg] the [noun sg] [be] " in BNC.

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1 In breach of contract the boiler was delivered five months late .
2 If there is a contract the price is ascertained by the relevant method in section 8 — in Foley 's case by arbitration , the manner agreed in the contract .
3 BRITISH athletics may be torn apart by a £7m four-year exclusive contract the sport is about to sign with ITV .
4 Training will be carefully controlled and under the terms of their contract the company is still accountable to the Home Secretary .
5 The practical effect of this is illustrated by the case of Strange ( SW ) Ltd v Mann [ 1965 ] 1 WLR 629 where at the time of entering the contract the business was exclusively a credit-betting business and it was accepted by all parties that the validity of the covenant fell to be tested without regard to the fact that subsequently betting shops became legal and that a betting shop had been set up by the plaintiff .
6 Chirk had been held by Gloucester and although it is not stated in the grant the king was evidently promoting , or at least sanctioning , an exchange of interests .
7 Chirk had been held by Gloucester and although it is not stated in the grant the king was evidently promoting , or at least sanctioning , an exchange of interests .
8 Because quite modest increases in spending above target were also liable to result in considerable amounts of lost grant the system was also very unpopular among authorities , especially in the Conservative dominated shires where penalties fell with particular severity .
9 In the case of the matching open-ended grant the effect is that of a price reduction , which incorporates both a substitution effect and an income effect ; hence the shift along the price consumption path PCC .
10 now more nearly resembled an M and a Q. The evidence was disappearing before their very eyes and , once it was gone , Harry was not sure he could convince even himself that it had ever been there .
11 PS the result was 1–0 and moves up to 12th
12 After one sign of good faith the magic was supposed to work , the hostages out , friends all round ; but somehow 500 TOWs was not enough , 1,000 TOWs was not enough , a big shipment of Hawk parts was not enough .
13 Occasionally the timing between Alex and Michael went and the star lost his lines , but for most of the play the flow was maintained .
14 In Thomas Randolph 's play The Muse 's Looking Glass , a conversation takes place between an engineer named Banausus and a gentleman called Colax :
15 THE chemistry and comedy between teacher and pupil , played by Patricia Routledge and her young co-star Brendan O'Hea , will be the main attraction of Emlyn Williams ' play The Corn is Green , coming soon to the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre , Guildford .
16 In areas where farmsteads are the normal form of settlement the pattern is very dense on good land , such as at Hanbury in Worcestershire , and less dense in upland areas such as Exmoor and Dartmoor .
17 Evading questions about how he proposed to resist the will of virtually the whole Arab and international community , he said that Lebanon had not gone through 15 years of civil war , and given thousands of martyrs , for the dishonourable settlement the world was offering .
18 Despite assurances that the checking at the Serbian side of the line would be a formality the convoy was delayed at the checkpoint for twenty-eight hours .
19 In the subtropics the epidemiology is similar to that of Haemonchus though Cooperia does not have the same high biotic potential and the L3 survive rather better under arid conditions .
20 In passing sentence the judge was advised to place his hand on the head of the accused and say ,
21 ( In this last sentence the lady is not quite accurate .
22 For example , the target sentence The beer was warm was preceded by the context We got some beer out of the trunk in the direct antecedent condition and by the context We checked the picnic supplies in the indirect antecedent condition .
23 She thought again what a point of defence the tower was , commanding the countryside , and then she saw that there was a back road leading away from the tower , narrower , bumpier even than the drive to the front door , which snaked quickly down the hill and out of sight .
24 With this defence the defendant is saying that the plaintiff has failed to take reasonable care and thereby been partly responsible for his own injuries , loss or damage .
25 With its massive gatehouses , water defence and concentric lines of defence the castle was virtually impregnable against contemporary methods .
26 Business prepares to bounce back from recession The nation is feeling positive despite some hard times , reports JOHN GREENLEES
27 A firm of housebuilders has bucked the worst recession the industry 's ever known by increasing its profits by forty-five percent .
28 With no chance of live football league coverage the fight is on for European Cup matches and other internationals .
29 Under the terms of the referendum the government was committed to devise a detailed proposal based on MMP .
30 Before the site became part of a private country park the building was lived in by a local tenant farmer named Mrs Hollington .
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