Example sentences of "[noun sg] rather than the " in BNC.

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1 Limitations are imposed by the fact that you have to wait two months for the educational psychologist , you have to close the biology lab when it rains because it leaks and they have n't sent anyone to repair it yet , you have to apply for a short in-service course rather than the full-time MA that you really wanted to do because there are n't any secondments any more .
2 What is particularly interesting is that the report implies that it was MI5 who endlessly delayed any decision rather than the prison authorities .
3 For the first time in history the Japanese people were enjoying real freedom rather than the autocracy and totalitarianism which they had suffered prior to August 1945 .
4 In a family in which ‘ asking ’ is always done by a threatening fist , and physical violence is the usual means of expressing ill-temper or frustration , the difference between welfare and ill-fare is the strength of the blow rather than the fact that it happened .
5 Since one usually needs to measure emission from only a small area of the viewing field rather than the whole field , a fibre-optic probe inserted in the light path would probably be the best method , with the light-pipe output directed on to a highly sensitive photoelectric cell or photomultiplier , whose output would also have to be calibrated against some standard phosphor .
6 The football authorities say we can now concentrate on what happens on the field rather than the terrace , because hooliganism is being forced out of the game .
7 What I want is an institute which is a centre for architects : a very different concept and one which puts the emphasis on the human capacity for individual creativity rather than the resulting artefact .
8 Of the remainder , there are others where the abuse of trust is clearly evident but from the general text rather than the headline .
9 While the spectre of the Albert Hall being deemed a furnished tenancy , like that of the vexatious litigant in the law of standing , haunts the annals of legal literature rather than the real world , we do nonetheless require more control than that allowed by Gordon 's commencement theory .
10 Another form of sun-clock employing the direction rather than the length of the sun 's shadow was the sundial , but the Egyptians who invented it were far from understanding the subtleties involved in making an accurate instrument of this type , which must be calibrated for the latitudes of the different places where it is to be used .
11 Firstly , the choice would be that of the GP rather than the consumer , and secondly , it is felt that the implied travelling to receive services would limit freedom .
12 It thus comes to serve the logical function rather than the interpersonal one .
13 Thus , it was the accustomed pace of change rather than the fact of an early start , which had already begun to place Britain at a disadvantage in competition against her major rivals at the beginning of the present century .
14 This shows the importance of timing of births in year-to-year marital fertility change rather than the final number .
15 Obviously , it is easier for them to develop in the Second Division rather than the First Division . ’
16 The report also calls for increased funding and a higher profile for the Energy Efficiency Office at the Department of Energy and suggests that energy policy should in future be formulated more at the European Community level rather than the national level .
17 There is less danger of this today when television presenters , for example , offer the image of the generous brother and sister rather than the understanding uncle or aunt .
18 In practice , however , it often happens that the operating thrust of different , parts of the organisation are not aligned since the structure has evolved with reference to one part rather than the whole .
19 I honestly believe that because they 're certainly not strong enough erm to be up with the top boys , well they 're not going to disgrace themselves having said that , as I said before , the League 's pretty well evened out , but I think they 'll be at the lower part rather than the top part .
20 On the other hand , the decision to arrest may sometimes be the line of least resistance rather than the only realistic course of action .
21 They recognize that even the most basic logical processes involve an element of indeterminacy ; they also base their techniques of communication on the strategies of narrative fiction rather than the endless flow of information .
22 On past records , most waverers go for the challenger rather than the one who holds power .
23 To this extent it is usually a prerogative of the male rather than the female , although female transvestites in this full sense of the word are known .
24 He must not address the defendant in terms which suggest that the sample must be of one kind rather than the other unless and until the two possibilities have been explained to the defendant and a fair opportunity given to him to say , if he wishes , which he would prefer to give and why .
25 The researchers found that one-quarter really needed sheltered work of some kind rather than the informal craft and recreational activities which were on offer and that a further proportion would have benefited more from a social club of a less structured kind .
26 In the latter case , however , it emphasised the crime-producing rather than the crime-controlling features of the criminal justice system .
27 Yet realistically this dilemma is likely to be brief as long as employers hold the key to one 's livelihood rather than the professional association .
28 He is the persuasive presence rather than the all-powerful ruler .
29 He was still surrounded by woman , of course , mostly fat ones receiving Mud 's beauty treatment and so his early life was dominated by the female presence rather than the male which may help explain his future attitude to women for which flocks of emerging feminists , and a few of his friends , would berate him .
30 This is more problematic , since threats generally refer to some future contingency rather than the present , and the section requires belief that violence ‘ will be used ’ The Court of Appeal certified that a point of law of general public importance was involved in the question whether an offence under section 5 can be committed by a person who is already breaching the peace by the acts complained of .
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