Example sentences of "[noun sg] like [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A heavy overcast like a poison gas cloud was stationary over the battered city .
2 Says Boswell , ‘ He had his Tartan plaid thrown about him , a large blue bonnet with a knot of black riband like a cockade , a brown short coat of a kind of duffil [ thick-napped cloth ] , a Tartan waistcoat with gold buttons and gold button-holes , a bluish philibeg , [ or filibeg , or kilt ] and Tartan hose .
3 They are built like South African rugby forwards , and they 'd cut through most opposition like a spoon through custard .
4 Her lips parted uncertainly and she tasted the sweet caress of his mouth like a child tasting fizzy sherbet for the first time .
5 At Kyalami Ranch , he 'd have a blade of grass in his mouth like a kid on a picnic , he 'd never think of holding court or taking himself so seriously ( as later champions did ) that you wanted to needle him .
6 This time his fingers seemed to tighten in her hair , drawing her mouth like a prisoner against his .
7 Presently she found that she had the gift of tongues : notions of sacrifice and immolation and of a saviour with hair of sackcloth poured out of her mouth like a river of lava .
8 Another member of the Pocket family , Sarah , ‘ a little dry brown corrugated old woman , with a small face that might have been made of walnut shells , and a large mouth like a cat 's without the whiskers ’ , toadies to Miss Havisham in the hope of a legacy , but is eventually left , according to Joe Gargery , only ‘ twenty-five pound per annium for to buy pills , on account of being bilious ’ .
9 He wore a short , close-trimmed beard that scarcely veiled the shape of a wide , mobile , quirky mouth like a jester 's ; and though his thick crop of short , curling hair was black , there were twin streaks of mingled rust-red in the beard 's blackness , sharpening and tapering his long chin to a fiery point .
10 Her eyes were as dark as a rotten egg , and a tear of blood ran down alongside her nose to the corner of her mouth like a symptom of regret .
11 The male camel drinks the female 's urine , swilling it in his mouth like a wine taster to assess her sexual state .
12 In Gouda there is a stained-glass window of Jonah leaving the fish 's mouth like a foot-passenger stepping from the jaws of a car-ferry .
13 He opened his mouth like a beak .
14 It was 4′long , had a mouth like a mastiff and was as dead as mutton .
15 ‘ I saw — ’ he struck up again with a mouth like a railway tunnel .
16 ‘ The one who used to hollow out the inside of a baguette for breakfast , and fill it up with condensed milk , and lower it into his mouth like a sword-swallower ? ’
17 When the birds spewed out of the darkness the flower-seller flapped her great shawl like a matador to ward them off ; they broke formation , circling the massive clock stopped at ten to ten , floundering upwards towards the whirling sky framed in the shards of glass set in the iron ribs of the shattered roof .
18 His gently probing fingers touched the first dainty hairs of her bonny thatch , and crept through her undergrowth like a lizard through the forest .
19 Upstairs in his room Dorian 's body shook with fear like a leaf in the wind .
20 A steel grate like a suit of armour , a long time unsquired , and what looked like a tile and marble surround , it was difficult to tell , the snot-green artist had been busy here , too .
21 Busy heads of department like the head of IS sent representatives , although , in this case , he clearly remained in a strong position to influence subsequent developments .
22 It was called a departmental agency , but the constraints of trying to be fully integrated with a major department like the Department of the Environment meant that the theoretical freedom to manage , which it had started off with , very quickly disappeared .
23 If you look at a department like the Director and Engineers department , every letter in fact has underneath it the City Engineer , even if its signed by somebody else .
24 But this one this bloke 's got is a full key like a piano .
25 Where anybody gon na sleep and with granddad like the state he 's in .
26 Down on the ground the first thing to be heard is a distant squeal , and a sharp-sighted man might just discern a black dot like a bird high in the sky .
27 In their present mood people would think nothing of mortgaging themselves for years ahead in order to acquire some trifling luxury like a jar of brandied peaches or a few leaves of tobacco .
28 He could feel the tension like a coil in him ; could feel responses waking in him that he had n't felt since … well , since they 'd tried to reconstruct him .
29 When Twomey doubtfully filled only half her glass , she gave him a glance like a whiplash .
30 TRANSCRIPTION factor DRTF1/E2F coordinates events in the cell cycle with transcription by its cyclical interactions with important regulators of cellular proliferation like the retinoblastoma tumour-suppressor gene product ( Rb ) and the Rb-related protein , p107 ( refs 1–8 ) .
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