Example sentences of "[noun sg] look back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When they reached the destination the driver looks back in horror and says the poodle has disgraced itself .
2 Babur looks back over his shoulder .
3 The present looks back at some great figure of an earlier century and wonders , Was he on our side ?
4 Wilcock looks back on it as a ‘ very heavy issue ’ .
5 Lyndhurst West looks back at COMDEX , and decides what 's hot , and what 's not in Coming our way .
6 Though lacking its crackling intensity , The Rock looks back towards Sweeney Agonistes and Eliot 's earlier work .
7 After 18 months of illness and injury the 21-year-old flyer looks back to his best .
8 Veteran looks back in anguish Wednesday People .
9 In his chair he saw the familiar features of the president looking back at him , the face he knew so well from his television set and the newspapers .
10 She looked into the mirror , moving her hips in time to some silent music in her head , letting the silky skirt swish enticingly around her legs — And saw another stranger looking back at her , eyes and mouth dreaming and vulnerable .
11 Sheila had not moved from the settee , and Morse stood in the doorway looking back at her : ‘ Do n't you know ? ’
12 Well they were chronicles , in a sense , erm there were chronicles very frequently written by interested parties , and in the case of Clarendon 's History , it was really an attempt to look back over some experiences which he himself had had , and in a way it is a , a , a classic of its kind .
13 Whitlock paused in the doorway to look back at Rachel .
14 He could approach the cataclysmic events of the forthcoming August with an adequate authority ; and he could in the future look back on 1931 with a certain complacency , as ‘ the year my party tried to get rid of me ’ .
15 ‘ Look , ’ said his Mum looking back at the house .
16 In the case of the ‘ ordinary ’ person it may just be pleasant to record what has happened each day so that one can at some time in the future spend a nostalgic hour looking back on times past .
17 The master raconteur looks back at the many amusing moments of his 47-year career at the BBC .
18 A view of the Flight gallery looking back in time , from the HS.125 in the foreground , to the Westland/Hill Pterodactyl and Supermarine S.6B in the background .
19 Regression enables the former child to look back at the situation through the eyes of the adult he or she has now become and to see the reality of it all .
20 The child looked back at him .
21 Caroline looked into the mirror and her grim reflection looked back at her .
22 He squatted down in the straw looking at the foal , and the foal looked back at him , indignant , bright-eyed , quivering with life .
23 The dark gaze looked back at her , hard to decipher , though at least she could see he did not appear to be joking .
24 Love Books was continuing , Indica was open — although the premises rapidly became cramped — and there was Long Hair to look back on .
25 Ooh , and I ooh , and I thought , of course look back on
26 This month I 'd like to take the opportunity to look back at the current series of articles featuring the Pentatonic scale , taking stock of our command of the scale all over the fretboard .
27 There was a secret , suspect taste for girls of rather better background than oneself : hypergamy — marrying upward — a Fifties custom extensively explored in Osborne 's play Look Back In Anger . ’
28 Colin Wilson 's The Outsider , for example , which by a glorious coincidence appeared in May 1956 — the very month of the appearance of John Osborne 's first performed play Look Back in Anger — was a bookish , self-educated exegesis of a fat clutch of heady topics including violence and mysticism , all untidily carved out of a huge , unfinished novel about Jack the Ripper .
29 A sprightly 81 years old , this English engineer and inventor looks back with satisfaction on a lifetime as an explorer of the heavens , the Earth , and the limits of the technically feasible .
30 As a whole , though , they do suggest an author looking back over his own work and trying to reduce it to order .
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