Example sentences of "[noun sg] should be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Any enquiries regarding the statistics given in the Update should be directed to .
2 A number argued that an outright ban should be introduced on the holding of client money by sole practitioners .
3 If the house is already in the joint names of the husband and the wife , then such tenancy , if held as beneficial joint tenants , should be severed and a memorandum of severance should be endorsed on the conveyance to the husband and wife ( see Precedent 51 ) .
4 The Criminal Law Revision Committee revealed its own view of the matter by firmly rejecting this proposal and recommending instead that the maximum penalty for non-consensual buggery of a male should be increased .
5 The law said that every first-born male should be consecrated to God .
6 In the end he judged that the investment of hope should be made : that they would fight for the calf 's life and risk disappointment .
7 The terrible attack on a taxi driver in St. Mary 's primary school yard today , which also affected the school children within that area , must be condemned and sympathy should be expressed to everyone who has been affected by this terrible act .
8 as if a steady stream of uncut , top-notch , straightforward soul is what Prince should be striving for !
9 He and the Prince should be left alone !
10 Work Experience should be seen within the content of general education .
11 It went on to accept ‘ the principle that professional experience should be based on theoretical completeness , and that training in often petty procedures during the earlier years in professional offices has little bearing on the exercise of professional judgement . ’
12 The primary curriculum was to be active rather than passive and one where every appropriate practical experience should be used to underpin theoretical learning .
13 Work Experience should be used to support GCSE .
14 Work Experience should be coordinated on an authority-wide basis , to guard against undesirable duplication of effort , and multiple requests to individual , particularly small , employers .
15 The report by Professor Alexander into the Leeds primary school experience should be read carefully by anyone who is interested in primary school methods .
16 While some may see the whole area of aesthetic response as one limited by hedonism or elitism , or may wish to view it as a superficial frill of little relevance to the real world of materialistic values , others are able to propose valid reasons why investigation into the nature of aesthetic experience should be pursued .
17 Medical opinion believed that early breast milk ( antigen-rich colostrum ) was harmful , and that feeding should be delayed until the passage of the first stools .
18 Provided a breastfeeding mother looks after herself by wearing a good supporting bra , no further damage should be done to her figure .
19 Other principles accepted by the declaration were : i ) that the polluter should pay for the cost of the clean-up ; ii ) that environmental damage should be guarded against even if there were no apparent scientific reasons for doing so — the " precautionary principle " ; iii ) that women have " a vital role in environmental management and development " ; and iv ) that , while nations have a right to exploit their own resources , they must not damage the environments of other states .
20 Changing from .009″s to .010″s is fine and may not require truss adjustment ; using anything heavier would require the instrument to be set up and re-intonated , but no long-term damage should be sustained .
21 The possibility of malicious damage should be considered , i.e. computer hacking and viruses .
22 In contrast to the later subject-based discussions of the DES , this document proposed that the curriculum should be composed of eight areas of experience : aesthetic and creative ; ethical ; linguistic ; mathematical ; scientific ; physical ; social and political ; spiritual .
23 To achieve this aim a curriculum should be formulated which took into account the needs and expectations of society , ensured continuity of the education process throughout the years of compulsory schooling and the importance of the coherence of subject disciplines .
24 However , the question how and by whom such elements in the curriculum should be taught is perhaps relatively easily answered .
25 First , the curriculum should be based on some body or bodies of knowledge .
26 It states that the curriculum should be balanced and broadly based , and should
27 Compacts also provide an invaluable forum for dialogue between teachers and employers to discuss and clarify ways in which the curriculum should be developed so as best to provide for the needs and interests of students in and beyond school .
28 The ‘ full development of an ear for language ’ encompasses a wide range of related skills , understandings and competences , underlining our belief that the language and literature facets of the English curriculum should be seen as mutually supportive rather than exclusive .
29 It recommended that the curriculum should be examined in the context of national needs and that teachers with specialist skills and particular strengths should be encouraged to use their gifts more effectively .
30 As the focus of concern shifted towards curriculum matters , and as HMI , DES and others argued with increasing insistence that each area of the curriculum should be led by a staff member with appropriate expertise , so designated curriculum leaders assumed greater importance in the overall management structure .
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