Example sentences of "[noun sg] come [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The second point is that of course as we accept into the role of opposition indeed to give these alternative proposals , give this particulary case to come within the government guidelines .
2 Regional council allocations for 1993-94 , excluding the money to come from the EC , will vary from £13.6 million in Borders Region to almost £209 million in Strathclyde .
3 ‘ I 'd have liked Naylor to come into the firm , ’ Guthrie answered for him .
4 Nevertheless , this sentence has the effect of making the click come before the shutting , thus reversing the normal precedence of cause to effect .
5 Mr Takeshita wants that election to come after the Paris economic summit in mid-July , hoping that the voters will be impressed with his statesmanlike performance in dealing with the Latin debt crisis .
6 You should certainly benefit from some kind of major career or professional change to come around the 4th and the 11th .
7 Once she 'd made her decision to come to the Dordogne , Sabine had read up as much as possible on the area , and she knew that Bergerac wines had been overshadowed in the past by the great vignobles of Bordeaux .
8 ‘ I made the decision to come into the business to please my father when he was dying .
9 In the most emotional speech of the day , Mr Alexander Rutskoy , the Vice-President , appealed for parliament to come to the aid of the Russian minority in the TransDniestr region of Moldova , the scene of bitter fighting in recent months .
10 Two problems are thus solved at once : it becomes clear that terminology does not refer only to grammar , and the reasons for the terminology come before the terminology itself .
11 The greater part come from the area around the Black Sea , concentrating especially on the Urartian Empire ; relations between the Greeks and the Thracians and Scythians ; and the art of Sarmatia .
12 And I have seen them at the mid-day rest hour of twelve to one , I have seen a ploughman come into the stable , shake up the straw in the stall of his leading beast and lie down there and sleep .
13 Only when they captured last season 's Royal Liver League crown did prospects of All Ireland glory come into the equation .
14 Because of the distance of my journey I had been given permission to come during the morning , and there were no other visitors .
15 Mention a low cost tank and all the issues of new or salvaged glass , glass thickness , and quality of build come to the fore .
16 Strong , virile performances of two of the finest of all Tudor settings of the Mass come from the choir of St John 's College Cambridge on a label not normally associated with early music , mid-price EMI Eminence .
17 While the characters flirt with each other in improbable configurations , love , marriage and money come under the microscope .
18 Most reforming governments are using one or more of the three principles that underlie the reorganisation of Britain 's national health service ( NHS ) : separating buyers of care from providers of care ; forcing the providers to compete for contracts from buyers ; and making money come with the patient .
19 If the EEC did wish to go beyond the 1962 agreement on agriculture , the arrangements of which were in any case due to expire in 1965 , if financing was permitted to come from the EEC 's own resources , and if the latter were to be levied on imports , then it was sensible for the EEC budget to come under the control of the European Parliament .
20 The remainder come from the following four categories :
21 The remainder come from the following categories :
22 However , your willingness to come to the aid of your fellow readers is causing a few headaches in our office .
23 This Act amended the 1944 legislation which had divided schooling at age 11 between primary and secondary , by allowing the break to come between the ages of 10 and 12 , to cover the development of middle schools .
24 The backswing can be compared to chopping down a tree with and axe ; power and speed come from the distance the axe is swung back .
25 The Queen 's Bench and Chancery Divisions are no longer distinct courts , though , as a matter of working convenience , matters which involve mainly the Common Law come before the Queen 's Bench ; those which largely involve Equity come before the Chancery Division .
26 She had also heard a car come up the drive , and was heading through the hall to the porch .
27 ‘ I saw the car come up the drive and then turn towards the Rectory .
28 Also in March Roh stated that " for the sake of the nation and its political development " he should be " the last president to come from the army " .
29 The February early morning was chilly , with a hint of snow to come in the air .
30 Peter gave him a key to come in the flat any time , you know , of course he did did n't he , he was
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