Example sentences of "[noun sg] know [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The rig is about ten feet long and is attached by a blood know to the main reel line .
2 Behind me , in the dark , was the similarly undisturbed sheet of crust known as the South American Plate .
3 At seven o'clock all the guests assembled in an ante-room known as the Salle des fêtes , to await the arrival of the Imperial couple who were announced by the Grand Chamberlain .
4 Childeric 's grave at Tournai , discovered originally in 1653 , is perhaps the richest royal burial known from the early medieval period ; the quantity of goods found was astonishing .
5 He swiftly integrated the 300,000 or so men of the Resistance army ( the FFI ) into the ranks of the regular army and disbanded a Resistance-run paramilitary force known as the milices patriotiques .
6 If , however , your parent is so seriously ill physically or mentally that she is no longer capable of dealing with her own financial affairs at any level , arrangements can be made by her solicitor for these to be dealt with by a government department known as the Court of Protection , and you should discuss this matter with the solicitor .
7 The shogun presided over a military administration known as a Bakufu , but there was considerable diffusion of regional power to local warrior-lords .
8 In particular , HIV attacks a type of white blood cell known as the T-helper ( or CD4 ) cell .
9 Lord Taylor said that Kennedy and Mr Quinn , who did not know each other , were arrested separately for drunkenness and were in a cell known as the tank when the fatal injuries were inflicted .
10 There followed regular contact between student and professor and more published work by Nietzsche on Greek subjects : besides reviews , there were articles on the lyric poet Simonides , the historian of philosophy Diogenes Laertius and the anonymous quasi-biographical piece known as the Contest of Homer and Hesiod .
11 If the court accepts the creditors ' petition and grants a winding up order the company will come under the control of the Official Receiver ( a civil servant from the Department of Trade and Industry known as the OR ) .
12 ( In the UK electricity generation used to be a nationalized industry known as the Central Electricity Generating Board ( CEGB ) .
13 THE unveiling of a plaque by the Mayor of Winchester , Captain Richard Bates , at the area close to Alresford Pond known as The Soke , on Saturday , marked the end of 15 years ' endeavour by the Alresford Society .
14 There are accounts of dogs of Mastiff type being exported from Britain to Rome through an agent known as the Procurator Pugnacium ( provider of dogs ) .
15 As previously mentioned , each account is divided into two sides , the left hand side known as the debit and the right hand side known as the credit ( see Fig. 5.2 ) .
16 As previously mentioned , each account is divided into two sides , the left hand side known as the debit and the right hand side known as the credit ( see Fig. 5.2 ) .
17 The St Louis Globe-Democrat wrote , ‘ Now we have a young swoon actor , the idol of teenagers , caught in a marijuana party — a reefer smoking fest known to the trade as ‘ kicking the gong around ’ . ’
18 It therefore looks as though Swegen wintered in England , and in the following spring perhaps went plundering in the Irish Sea , for one of the versions of the Welsh chronicle known as the Annales Cambriæ records the harrying of the Isle of Man by a Swegen son of Harald in a year which is likely to be 995 .
19 Five of the eight appear on the royal books for 1661 as members of the ensemble known as the Hautbois et musettes de Poitou .
20 The spacious railway carriage known as The Anna Karenina is available for charters by private groups of two to eight passengers , allowing an extensive tour of Russia in considerable style and comfort .
21 It is one of the several enzymes involved in the central process of a cell 's metabolism known as the citric acid or Krebs cycle .
22 An integral part of mill machinery was a simple spring known as the ‘ miller 's willow ’ .
23 While recognising that successful sexual relations in later life depended to some extent on earlier satisfactory sexual expression the study known as the Starr-Weiner Report ( Starr and Bakur-Weiner , 1982 ) confirmed that ‘ Older adults are interested in sex , think about it , desire it , engage in it with the same frequency that Kinsey reported for forty year-olds . ’
24 The core of the system is the boiler and the hot water storage cylinder , linked by flow and return pipework known as the primary circuit .
25 In northern France this had been traditionally organized by the institution known as the villa , a country estate of variable size , often more or less the equivalent of a village , where all the land was the lord 's ; some part of it he let out to tenants , some part of it he farmed directly ; but even his own domain was in large measure tilled by the peasant tenants , who held their land in return for services in money , services in kind , and above all labour-services , for a defined amount of work for the lord .
26 When a famous warrior died he was commemorated by a monument known as a das in front of which upright stones indicated the number of his victims .
27 The health authority declined to be interviewed , but in a written statement it said Michelle Howard 's paralysis was caused by a rare condition known as a fibro cartilagenous embolism , which developed without any negligence by hospital staff .
28 The condition known as the ‘ bends ’ is caused by the absorption of nitrogen into the bloodstream from the air in the lungs .
29 The ADP ( automated data processing ) unit at Bootle is the first phase of a programme known as the Immigration and
30 A United States bill prolonging the provisions of the US aid and development programme known as the Caribbean Basin Initiative ( CBI ) which had been given legislative expression in the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act of 1983 [ see pp. 31565-71 ; 32622 ; 33849-50 ] was passed by President Bush on Aug. 20 , 1990 .
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