Example sentences of "[noun sg] out for [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I 've not done that car out for ages .
2 Then , make sure Stevie ate his bread , watch Gary to see he did n't pinch the beans off Jenny 's plate , talk to Patrick to see he did n't fall asleep again and keep an eye out for fights , punches , kicks under the table and flying crusts .
3 Keep an eye out for locators which will tell you where to find people , Koopas , and Pokeys .
4 I kept one eagle eye out for wardens and policemen with nothing better to do than harass taxi-drivers , but I did n't have to wait long .
5 KEEPING an eye out for crooks , it 's TV cop Jon Iles and his real-life pal Lorna Ewin .
6 Keep an eye out for tits , treecreepers and possibly woodpeckers .
7 Keep an eye out for butterflies ( 19 breeding species in the Maltese archipelago ) , bats ( 14 species recorded ) , birds ( 346 species logged , a few breeding , some wintering ) , snails , wall-lizards , a surprising variety of wild-flowers and the 15 species of trees .
8 paid me poll tax , paid me s search fee and got a little bit of cash out for readies and s , there 's now at this moment in time , there 's four hundred and fifty pound in there .
9 It 's guaranteed to be a great day out for woodworkers , DIYers , and their families : with plenty of car parking and all the attractions of central Manchester close at hand .
10 ‘ We face the same risks day in day out for years on end . ’
11 There 's lots of music and its a good night out for families .
12 Hazel and Steven Williams extend a cordial invitation to you to visit their nursery in unspoilt Flaxton — keep a watch out for cows on the green .
13 In recent years , partly as a result of exposure to the American literature and partly because of a desire to adopt a tough-minded approach towards power , British social and political scientists have increasingly been on the look out for signs of a similar system in Britain .
14 Always be on the look out for signs that something might be wrong , especially when the weather is cold .
15 always keep a special look out for cyclists particularly when overtaking or turning , bearing in mind that two wheels are much less easy to see than large vehicles .
16 Graham Bowstead , Bob Hodgson and Ray Cargill , all Englishmen , had been working for William Lee in London but were on the look out for opportunities to branch out on their own .
17 Retailers are always on the look out for ideas to attract customers and encourage them to buy more .
18 In the distance he could hear the sound of water dripping and he kept a look out for puddles , holes , fallen beams or any other dangers that might be around the next corner .
19 In the second half of this year everyone will be invited to take part again in a new and updated programme — keep a look out for details .
20 He hated changing in front of others — and this from a man who played rugby with fourteen other men week in week out for years and must have huddled with them in the cramped and corrugated spaces of dressing rooms up and down the country .
21 A male employee said , ‘ I think there 's a lot of drop out for ladies , they go off and have children and then they do n't want to come back .
22 ‘ No , but there 's a call out for pilots and navigators in — ’ He glanced at his watch .
24 ‘ But surfing is the main way out for Hawaiians .
25 Vogtlander added , ‘ any new tax should not just be a means to raise additional revenues as an easy way out for governments with budget deficits ’ .
26 TIME OUT FOR TOTS Fun classes for the under-threes
28 FURIOUS rail passengers had to fork out for taxis yesterday — the day BR increased their fares .
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