Example sentences of "[noun sg] who for [det] " in BNC.

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1 Bill Cash is a lawyer who for many years has specialised in constitutional issues , not least that of the repatriation of the Canadian Constitution .
2 Not only have I learned that soon I will not only be responsible for myself but a small vulnerable child who for many years to come will be under my protection , but I have also gained an inner strength that I never knew I was capable of having .
3 Indeed , Roheim reports that mothers will never deny the breast to a child of any age , even to save a younger one from starvation ; and a child who for some reason can not nevertheless find the mother 's breast can usually find another woman ready to suckle him .
4 To them you are just a very large creature who for some unknown reason feeds them , and for that , and that alone , they may give you a grudging sort of respect , if owls have any idea what respect is .
5 A student who for any reason intends to withdraw from the University before the completion of the course of study or research must inform the Academic Registrar .
6 He did well with the theatre and the media lot because he treated them contemptuously , co-opting Rory Collins as a fellow scourge of sloppy liberals , a man who for all his cash and flash was the real thing , the sort of guy you 'd go into the jungle with , the sort of guy who was his father 's son .
7 It is also a much-needed corrective to the view of Mozart propagated by the play — and more especially the film — Amadeus as a dirty-minded , rather silly idiot who for some obscure reason was divinely inspired as a composer .
8 Moz was a four-year old stallion who for most of his life , the three and a half years following weaning , had been kept in a small yard measuring no more than 20 x 20ft ( 6 X 6m ) .
9 She knew nothing about him beyond the fact that he was immensely wealthy , the owner of the London-based Silver Star Navigation who for some strange reason had branched out into the fashion industry .
10 Lo Cascio was said to have established links with Colombian and Venzuelan drug cartels , while the financial side of the operation was the work of Ulrich Bahl , a German businessman who for some months had been imprisoned in the USA on charges of passing forged banknotes .
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