Example sentences of "[noun sg] up and [adv] " in BNC.

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1 A quick glance up and down the wharf showed no sign of Cliff Barrett .
2 My brother and I used to sit together and drive this old horse up and down the field and throw the hay all over the place to get the sun .
3 She held him firmly , pumping his penis up and down slowly and rhythmically , twisting it slightly as she did so .
4 Well next door but one are having erm double glazed back window , you know that main lounge window and the the guy 's parked halfway across the drive with the van , left it there all in disarray you can just about get your car up and round and brains that some of these people
5 Tuppe sat in the front passenger seat brrrming the toy car up and down the dashboard .
6 Next morning off they go to the shops she goes turns all her lights off and ignition it 's in the car she starts the car up and off she trundles coming in along .
7 He flicked the switch up and down a few more times .
8 The simplest approach is to look at it as a device that moves your weight up and down the board .
9 You appear to be in some sort of surreal shopping mall , with the world 's TV laid out for purchase : you almost feel like you should have a shopping trolley , to wheel up and down the aisles .
10 When you choose a shade for your table or standard lamps , do n't choose the thick material that only puts the light up and down .
11 I forget what it was that distracted me for a moment , but as I delayed , the water bounced the boat up and down and then straight against the quay , with my finger in between .
12 This was the traditional end to the race before the last stage was moved in 1975 to provide the spectacle of the bronzed and battle-weary riders in a final surge up and down the Champs Elysées .
13 To lift the patient off the bed onto a chair or commode , one carer takes up the position already described , while the other stands behind the patient on the bed and guides the patient 's seat up and round onto the chair .
14 Told him , selling a million pounds worth of flour e er flour a year and he had his twenty first coming up and apparently , he starts spilling the beans
15 This staggered Mrs Funnell into silence , and her feelings were registered on her grim face as she watched this husband and wife whom she had never liked , classing them as common , dragging the almost inert figure up and down the bedroom .
16 Nowadays I ca n't bear anything to do with football , kicking an air-filled pig 's bladder up and down a muddy pitch ai n't my idea of fun .
17 The rails run longitudinally down the plane , transverse to the length of the tanks , which travel broadside up and down the incline .
18 Sir John groaned as he eased his bulk up and sorrowfully waddled down to the aroma-filled kitchen .
19 I crawled quietly up the slope , the grass sliding under my chest and belly , my legs straining to propel my bulk up and forward .
20 It would have been enormous fun , she thought wistfully , to help work Water Gypsy up and down the canal system .
21 They swing to the top of the backswing and then practise with the left arm bouncing the club up and down a few times so that there is a feeling of taking control of the downswing and the right shoulder not wanting to push .
22 Penetrating , complex and totally different in structure , it pulls the single line of melody up and down and spins it out to leave you dangling in some sort of musical nirvana .
23 Heathrow , which has implemented some controls , is avoided by traders who realise that a stop over could result in a costly hold up and even prosecution .
24 ‘ I think it must be your eyes , ’ he said at last , running his own gaze up and down as if giving intimate consideration to every other feature of her body .
25 The new contract for General Practitioners now stipulates that all patients aged over 75 should be offered an annual check up and home visit where , if possible , assistance can be offered to cope with any undetected functional handicaps .
26 I followed her spindly legs issuing from the bunched-up clothing up and down and along , in and out and under ; squirting , rubbing , shining ; kneeling , crawling , climbing ; gasping , panting , grunting .
27 if , but I mean if your obviously doing it and you more moving the clutch up and down
28 He was bare from the waist up and badly burned .
29 So he decided to waste no more time , and thrust the trapdoor up and back with his shoulders .
30 John assured me that it did n't matter in the least , and amused himself by taxying the machine up and down the runways , testing and running-in the VW engine at the same time .
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