Example sentences of "[noun sg] up of the " in BNC.

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1 The key function none the less lies in the drawing up of the legislation ; deciding what should go into a bill and what should be omitted , and how the proposals should be drafted .
2 Instructions to the boundary commissioners were revoked and amended so that they would be able to consider economic interest as well as population and community in the drawing up of the new constituencies ; this was regarded as vital by the Unionists , for it seemed likely that the merging of the small boroughs into the county constituencies would take away the last of the agricultural seats .
3 The President signed the committal warrant which was given to the tipstaff as his authority for conveying M. to prison and the governor 's authority for receiving and detaining M. The drawing up of the formal order that M. be committed to prison was left to the court staff .
4 Arab intervention to halt the bloodshed resulted in the drawing up of the Taif accord for national reconciliation [ see p. 36986 ] , elements of which were formally written into the Lebanese Constitution in September 1990 [ see p. 37729 ] .
5 Also , the way we are told that the plan was connected with Swegen 's first visit to Essex suggests that he had been there again since this occasion and the drawing up of the confirmation .
6 Much bargaining is tacit and informal , but at times it may become formalized into tripartite arrangements involving government , unions and enterprise management ; a rare example in the British context was the drawing up of the 1974 ‘ Plan for Coal ’ ( Burgi 1985 ) .
7 The ‘ lifting up of the face ’ speaks powerfully and movingly of reconciliation , more so than our grey ‘ accept ’ ever can .
8 The addition of these features permitted increased legibility , a lessening of ambiguity and a speeding up of the writing process .
9 Here we see Bukharin repeating his argument for a speeding up of the circulation of commodities , which he said would provide a greater surplus out of which investment of all types could be increased .
10 So is a speeding up of the process through biotechnology really any different ?
11 More generally , the emphasis was on securing a ‘ speeding up of the system ’ and ‘ to ensure that development is only prevented or restricted when this serves a clear planning purpose and the economic effects have been taken into account ’ .
12 This ‘ wasting asset ’ has received much criticism , and the Environment Committee , in its 1987 report , recommended that resources be provided ‘ forthwith ’ for a speeding up of the programme .
13 In the central area of the nest site a great heap of bones and fragmentary remains of pellets had accumulated from the break up of the pellets .
14 The incisors are lost first , with the break up of the anterior part of the premaxilla , and then the molars are lost as the alveolar border becomes damaged .
15 After the break up of the famous ‘ Emanuel ’ partnership and subsequent liquidation of the company , Alison-Jayne decided to return home and use her knowledge and skills to set up her own couture bridal and evening wear business in Northern Ireland .
16 The brains of its victims are found to contain areas in which the death of nerve cells is accompanied by demyelination ( the break up of the fatty sheath surrounding nerve fibres , which is essential to their correct functioning ) .
17 The success of this measure led to the deregulation of local bus services in 1986 , involving the break up of the National Bus Company and the introduction of private sector competition .
18 The major impact was the break up of the family unit .
19 Singleton sees the break up of the family , with single women raising their children , as a source of much of the disintegration of values amongst young men .
20 I can dimly recall the challenges of testing a router photograph , and using it to create the November 1989 cover , while the picture of Mark Wilkinson 's treehouse made the February 1990 cover one of my favourites , especially as the references to Czechoslovakia and East Germany coincided with the break up of the Eastern Bloc .
21 It follows that the break up of the ancien régime and the impact of the Enlightenment gave rise to a radical transformation of the nature of objects in society .
22 As Laffin and Young ( 1985 ) observe , the break up of the post-war consensus , coupled with the passing of the earlier period of growth and the increased politicization of local government , has made the officer 's professional stance increasingly difficult to sustain .
23 As 1993 approaches we are conscious that factors like the expansion of the European Community , the emergence of the Eastern European democracies and the break up of the Soviet Union , not to mention events nearer home , will present us with new challenges and opportunities .
24 During a brief visit on Oct. 12 , 1989 , as part of a tour of Latin America , President François Mitterrand of France stated that the break up of the International Coffee Agreement ( ICA — see above ) " seemed to confirm Colombia 's isolation in its fight against drug trafficking " .
25 Chief executive , Tim Cordy , is reported as saying that the enforced break up of the Council meant that there was no longer a " national voice for nature " .
26 John Marchbanks of the NUR , representing an active Right Wing minority in the Party leadership , saw the campaign as an attempt at " engineering the break up of the Labour Party , and paving the way to the creation of a new party , in which Liberals and progressives of all political shades will be enrolled " .
27 A lot has happened since then and the eyes of the world have been diverted elsewhere to the Gulf , the Kurds , the break up of the Soviet union .
28 Crawford Beveridge , SE 's chief executive , said the foundations for business had been laid by trade missions organised since the attempted coup in 1991 which led to the break up of the former Soviet Union .
29 The mul , and the Duchess of York will become a multi-millionairess , in her own right , as a result of the break up of the marriage to Andrew we can reveal today .
30 I was struck too by the way in which we started the programme by considering the dangers of the situation and there 's no doubt that that 's correct , but it is important to say , perhaps the most important thing is that the end of is n't in the Soviet Union and the break up of the Soviet Empire is an enormously positive event for all of us , for the citizens of the Soviet Union and for us in the West it gives the opportunity for much greater stability , real stability , peace and prosperity then ever existed under the old regime .
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