Example sentences of "[noun sg] who [verb] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Police have praised the bravery of a teenage soldier who dragged himself from the wreckage of his car after being speared with a wooden stake .
2 Any chick who fancies herself as a feminist ought to go and see Martha McGilchrist .
3 A judge should not be seen as a witness who held himself capable of comparing handwriting and reached conclusions of the comparisons .
4 This The Waste Land did , but when Eliot writes elsewhere that any modern poet who applied himself to the drama would be an extremely conscious poet , using the historical imagination , it is clear that around the time of The Waste Land he was also considering writing plays .
5 ‘ SUICIDE AGGRAVATED BY OFFICIAL INDIFFERENCE AND LACK OF CARE ’ was the verdict on a Ugandan refugee who hanged himself while in detention in Pentonville Prison .
6 Despite the ultimate in Michelin -starred success , Bernard Loiseau is not a chef who takes himself too seriously , discovers Roy Hayter
7 As we have already seen in Chapter 1 , the proportion of the temporary labour force who consider themselves self-employed ( 15 per cent ) is rather higher than that of the workforce as a whole ( 11 per cent ) .
8 Like the trio of drinkers he meets in a Co Waterford pub who call themselves the KGB — because their surnames are Kelly , Gallagher and Boland .
9 I belong to a Committee who call themselves Women Against Apartheid , and we have been engaged in campaigning a lot against these marital laws .
10 You remember I said to you that the only thing any witnesses could agree on about the first bloke who killed himself was his staring eyes ? ’
11 Robert Knolles , whose origins were said to be very humble , made a fortune out of war service in the 1350s and 1360s , and may be taken as typical of the successful captains with no inherited wealth who raised themselves by their military skills .
12 Hilary was a boy who saw himself as a connoisseur of experience .
13 The girl or parents who worry because menstruation has not occurred by the sixteenth year are usually troubling themselves unduly ; the boy who troubles himself as to the length of his penis or the girl who worries about mammary development are also worrying unnecessarily as a rule .
14 To a boy who declares himself stuck about what colour to use , he says : ‘ Well , Sickert said that when in doubt put a little of the last colour into the next colour you use , and that gives harmony : it does n't work to use a colour in isolation — white and black are the two parents , red in isolation can appear like a wound in the picture — it 's like friendships , we all know the awful consequences if a new person joins a group and the friendships are n't mixed through , it 's the same with colours . ’
15 Later Nutmeg went back to all his friends ( looking himself again ) + they all told him about a strange white cat who called himself Nutmeg .
16 Diana , quite simply , is the princess who reinvented herself .
17 In 1816 Mrs Hawkes , a pious lady who had herself been a convert of Richard Cecil 's , was called to the death-bed of a Mr Vaughan , whose last hours she described in a letter to a friend :
18 ‘ Strictly for the servants — and Japanese of course , ’ added a lady who introduced herself as Mrs Fawcett , and asked anxiously , ‘ Do you play bridge , Doctor ? ’
19 Colleague Nurit Tzabar , from the settlement which is located six miles from the biblical town of Sodom , said : ‘ She was a modest girl who kept herself to herself .
20 ‘ Something to do with a girl who killed herself ? ’
21 I wonder if there 's any way of finding out more about the girl who killed herself — Melanie Gandell , that 's her name . ’
22 Of course , this is not all there is to life , and Hildamay finds true contentment by adopting a nine-year-old girl who introduces herself on the tube .
23 Lilian Hatton was an easier nut to crack than the girl who called herself Nora Fanshawe .
24 He sat down beside the uniformed girl who introduced herself as Elsa from Hamburg .
25 Alice in Wonderland is a text adventure game based on the very famous story 2f a young girl who finds herself in a strange land full of strange creatures and strange places .
26 Perhaps equally , the parent who sees himself or herself as " bad " may seek atonement or solace in becoming the " good " child — and accepting the ministrations of a substitute parent .
27 Clive Owen and Saskia Reeves star as Richard and Natalie , a brother and sister who find themselves irresistibly drawn to each other .
28 And it 's likely the commission will open up new avenues for the blacksmith who taught himself everything he knows .
29 The Free Presbyterians can be divided into a very small group of what one man called ‘ the bible college — God bless you brother — every blessing ’ types who remained distant from politics ; the majority who saw themselves as being unionist , but not especially so , who were forced into political activity by the alliance of O'Neillism and the ecumenical movement ; and a small circle of fully politicized ministers .
30 The god of Creation in Aboriginal legend ; known as Yulunggu , he appears as a rainbow snake who arches himself across the sky early in the rainy season .
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