Example sentences of "[noun sg] who [verb] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 Marketing people would have us believe that every eighty-oddyear-old pianist who dies was ‘ the last of the Romantics ’ — yet there is something in that , and there does seem to be an increasing number of younger pianists who play , as Horowitz had it , like typewriters .
2 The girl who answered was just that — hardly more than a girl .
3 Sometimes both came together : very few of our sample lived as far out of town as the mining village of Gilmerton , but one woman compositor who did was the daughter of a miner and in due course she married a miner herself .
4 Now that the Colonello had been taken away , the only Italian from the camp who remained was one of the two interpreters , Capitano Camino , who had an excellent command of English because he had been a businessman in England before the war .
5 Most of these were between the age of 15 and 30 , and the majority who died were unidentified .
6 Every Elf warrior who fell was well nigh irreplaceable .
7 The poll had inbuilt defects because the sample who replied were ‘ self-selecting ’ .
8 She recognized a couple of the museum staff but the rest who stared were strangers .
9 We then had tuition in the fitting and the actual sewing and by Sunday afternoon , nearly all the garments were complete and every person who attended was very thrilled with what they had learned and the work produced .
10 In each case the sentence is true if the person who spoke was skipping at the time of the utterance .
11 The woman who died was a heavy smoker and the Family Planning Association here points out that the French health ministry had stressed the dangers to smokers .
12 The woman who died was Mrs Gillian Haynes , also of Pershore , who 'd gone to house to collect her 21 year old daughter Vicky .
13 The woman who died was driving this pick-up truck when it hit an ambulance travelling in the opposite direction along the A417 , half a mile out of Cirencester .
14 And the woman who returned was not my mother .
15 Again she rang the bell , impatiently this time , and the nun who appeared was contrite , saying , ‘ I 'm sorry , Reverend Mother ; I …
16 Guy 's did not close the children 's intensive care unit — where Dean and a second baby who died were treated — until later .
17 A report in The Lancet told how one baby who died was so hot its temperature was five degrees about normal five hours after death .
18 ‘ I 'm afraid the man who died was your neighbour , Mr David Wise . ’
19 Salah Khalaf , known by his nom de guerre of Abu Iyad , was considered to be PLO chairman Yassir Arafat 's closest and most influential aide , while Hayil Abd al-Hamid ( Abu al-Hol ) was the PLO 's chief of security ; the third man who died was Fakhri al-Umari ( Abu Muhammad ) , an aide to Abu Iyad .
20 It hit the digger and the man who died was pinned under the front wheels .
21 A tangle of twisted metal is all that remains of the giant oil tank that fuelled the power station at the edge of the Bulmers factory site.It 's believed the man who died was welding a measuring gauge on top of the tank when it exploded , scattering debris over a wide area.The man died before he reached hospital.After the first explosion , there were further blasts creating a pall of smoke over Hereford.Bulmers Director Terry Watts was in an office nearby :
22 The North-East man who died was Andrew Smailes , 31 , of Middlesbrough .
23 The man who spoke was burly , with grizzled hair and a neatly clipped moustache .
24 The man who spoke was enough like the priest in face and build to indicate their relationship , but , instead of the severe black habit and tonsured head which proclaimed the cleric to be of the Benedictine order , he was dressed in all the splendour of a prosperous baron .
25 The Otago CA , like other sporting bodies , was moved publicly to urge young men to enlist ( each man who did was kept on as a financial member of the association for the duration ) .
26 The way you dealt with that man who collapsed was exemplary .
27 But a man who bled was vulnerable , and a wound caused by a mouse-trap showed a reassuring degree of incompetence .
28 The man who emerged was in his late fifties with short grey hair and round , wire-framed glasses .
29 When a German ‘ plane was shot down near Roxton the sergeant navigator who survived was brought in as a patient and I assisted with his reception .
30 For example a bereaved person may well ask that as their relative who died was not a Christian , does this mean that he or she has not ‘ gone to heaven ’ ?
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