Example sentences of "[noun sg] as [subord] he " in BNC.

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1 His companion , swathed in a dark tawny robe as if he felt the cold , was a different kettle of fish : jet black hair framed a white face .
2 Beside him Vauban seemed to share the joke ; that extraordinary bastard leaned against the arm of the throne as if he was the king 's brother , openly stifling a yawn at Dacourt 's ponderous phrases .
3 When the castrato comes , I have to sing with him , for I have to teach him his whole part as if he were a child .
4 The dun cock went down as the blue followed through , landing full-flush and kneading the gaffs on the dun 's heart as if he were working a treadle .
5 He began to rub his jaw as if he was in pain ; his normally pale face had turned white .
6 It was said with a kind of embarrassed formality as if he , not Dalgliesh , were the host and he was apologizing for the unexpected absence of the hostess .
7 Roy was standing in the doorway , staring at the kitchen as if he was in the wrong house .
8 And he made a noise as if he were splitting wood , and I was astonished that he did not dislocate his shoulder , and the vigour of his arm terrified me …
9 ‘ He 's a rector , not a vicar and he is currently incumbent in — ’ I heard paper rustle as if he was turning pages ' — the parish of West Elsworth near Cambridge .
10 Arthur was used to people talking about him in his presence as if he could n't hear .
11 He seems most himself when snarling like a caged animal , droning and whining like a buzz saw , hacking at his guitar as if he is chopping wood .
12 He was so drunk that his words came thickly and with great difficulty as if he had been wounded .
13 He gave her a long , slow look as if he was seeing her for the first time .
14 Charlie , who turned out to be a regular size , was dealt with fairly quickly , but it took almost an hour to find anything that did n't make Tommy look as if he was entering a sack race .
15 He has a sash across his shirt as if he is an ambassador at a diplomatic function .
16 Richard got up and balanced on the ball of one foot as if he had been seized by an attack of cramp .
17 ‘ I 'm going tonight , ’ he said , scuffing the paragraph in The Stage hard with his foot as if he were rubbing cigarette ash into the carpet .
18 Then he turned his head to one side as if he , too , was listening to the Maltesers rolling past the front row , under the bed on which he and Andrea had cavorted , towards the French windows on the far side of his bedroom , and out into the garden .
19 ’ He put his head to one side as if he was thinking , closing one eye and giving his little grin .
20 He cocked his head to one side as if he had just realised something awful .
21 The little man was standing in the middle of the Bridge terminus , head cocked to one side as if he could hear something , fists clenched at his sides .
22 The little boy leaned his face to one side as if he was listening to some signal inaudible to mere mortals , and he whispered , ‘ I am going to destroy Malik .
23 He seemed edgy and ill at ease and as they took the lift up to the fourth floor and stepped out into the corridor his eyes darted from side to side as if he was terrified at what he might be about to see .
24 When he closed his eyes , fatigue swam up at him in a mazy spiral , making his head spin as if he were drunk .
25 ARAZI returned to the racecourse as if he had never left at Saint-Cloud yesterday , cruising home by five lengths in the Prix Omnium II .
26 As the idle beings they were in a group , the malais were used to last-minute arrangements and alterations , spontaneous changes and improvisation ; so it was n't as big a deal as if he 'd been , say , an Israeli or a German officer .
27 For a second her eyes searched his face in case there was a vestige of suspicion left , but he held her close , fingers running continually through her tousled mop of blonde hair , lips pressuring her face and neck as if he could never touch her enough .
28 His words might have been ambiguous , but the hackles rose on Rory 's neck as if he 'd been blatantly insulting .
29 His hair was dishevelled , his beard had grown around his neck as if he had spent the past four months away from civilisation .
30 ‘ Ho intenzione prenderlo , Benito , ’ muttered Lucenzo sourly , taking the wheel as if he meant to handle the boat alone .
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