Example sentences of "[noun sg] go [adv] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 The decision to go ahead or not would be based on a business assessment of the development costs against potential revenue , and the decision would be strongly influenced by customer input .
2 Even when behind , the Maltese show no willingness to go forward and make a game of it .
3 Radio Tanzania on Sept. 18 cited Diria as saying that both sides were being given the opportunity to go home and clarify their positions .
4 He knew that I would never let him marry her , and , besides , he has a girlfriend of his own , so when I offered him money to go away and leave her alone he stood me off as much as he dared , and collected a big enough stake to marry his girl and start a small business , which , he kindly informed me when he left , he intends to turn into a large one , one day . ’
5 I had no money to go anywhere or do anything .
6 There is a similar air of gloom in a conversation which Ronald Duncan has recorded ; Duncan suggested that he might use some of the prize money to go abroad and escape from the London winter .
7 ’ Well , you have my permission to go ahead and distribute it this morning .
8 No I asked you for formally for permission to go ahead and go ahead with the .
9 Second , it gives our staff excellent experience to go abroad and broaden their horizons … people are less likely to complain about working conditions here when they 've seen with their own eyes what conditions are like abroad .
10 How you gon na fit a little baby canoe to go across and two
11 Now we 've got , this is a roll shot , , and we want the yellow to go beyond and the black to stop just in front of of the hoop .
12 When research goes further and links ends and means , it can help us gauge the significance of factors that seem relevant to a situation .
13 And once we 've exchanged contracts then we can have this solicitor 's letter for this fifteen hundred pound to go ahead and all this that and the other .
14 Your mouth goes hard and ugly as you try to choke back the tears , but it is honest . ’
15 She waited for the unpleasant tingling on the back of her neck to go away and bother somebody else .
16 Following their deaths , Ronnie sold Docton to a man who was keen to get the wheel going again and , with Nigel 's assistance and local labour , the second restoration was started and we both made new friends in Steve and Iris Pugh .
17 The illusion going completely and erm my imagination is much better is much more erm and music is very erm inspiring for your imagination .
18 So can you see it is vital that all of you keep your circulation going right and a good idea is to start it in bed so that before you get out and put weight on your limbs And the same with the rest of your body get your circulation going , get the joints doing a bit of movement and before you get up and give them the added job of bearing your weight .
19 The DHAC announced that the exercise would be repeated the following weekend ; although the police warned that they would have to intervene this time , the demonstration went ahead and was extended to forty-eight hours .
20 It was dark when I left the farm : about five o'clock on a late December day , the light gone early and the stars beginning to show In a frosty sky .
21 Ground capacity at the club is to be cut to under 19,000 while rebuilding work goes ahead and chairman Sir John Hall said : ‘ Our own supporters come first . ’
22 Only the sun goes silently and endlessly on with the lark 's song .
23 Braverman goes further and suggests , with Marglin , that management will also endeavour to develop methods of working that involve operators in fragmented , or short cycle time , tasks for reasons other than efficiency .
24 no , very annoying that , I mean that bloke going backwards and forwards is bad enough but
25 Does amnesia go slowly or suddenly ? ’
26 The scene went perfectly and watching the film you might never suspect that Lee was in fact very drunk .
27 Erm , yes , as you know I 'm a member of the Essex traffic group and we did state at the time there will be no looking into or no pulling down of any type of property or building , yeah , but it , erm the Council went ahead and looked at Wordsworth Road
28 However , the committee went further and tabled a motion for next month 's full council meeting in which they attacked the motives behind the original motion tabled by newly-elected Tory councillor Philip Vanner .
29 Even so , in the public 's mind fusion and the Sun go together and the fascination with fusion is sometimes akin to ancient sun worship .
30 The guard went downstairs and opened one of the doors .
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